That's good, IMO. In general, I think turbo switches ruin many games. Now, I'm sure folks don't get too excited about China Warrior or Vigilante, but these games are much better with turbo off.
I agree for the most part, except I think using the nunchucks with the Turbos on in Vigilante makes them a lot more fun. But for standard punches and kicks, the Turbo switches get in the way.
Hey Keranu, you're the one who got me interested in Vigilante again. I was making fun of it and you said you didn't think it was that bad... and guess what, I like the game now a lot more.
BUT, you shouldn't use turbo for the nunchuks! The next time you play it, you'll notice that there is a "variable speed" kind of thing going on with the nunchuks. It makes it fun to vary the speed of the nunchuks. OK, I am easily entertained, but there's something I like about varying the speed of the nunchuks, goddamit!
To stay on this tangent, I'm trying to think of games where there are certain segments that I use turbo-switches. I know there were a bunch of games where I did this, but I can't think of any at the moment.
And I agree with nat, spinning in Bonk is much better using the turbo switches. And of course shooters that don't have auto-fire.
WB III: Monster Lair, one of my fave games, is one of the games I play one of two ways: If I am feeling lazy, I just keep it on low-turbo. But, if I am really enthused, you'll find me constantly toggling between the turbo switches. The missile power-up is best with no turbo, and then the effectiveness of other weapons varies between turbo-low and turbo-high. Even though I am constantly switching things up, it doesn't hinder gameplay at all.