Author Topic: REGION MOD FOR TG-16/DUO/PC-ENGINE  (Read 1449 times)


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« Reply #45 on: January 04, 2007, 11:12:16 AM »
I didn't take Moosmann's comment as anything threatening - he went about it in a civil manner.  He doesn't want people using his *images*.  Which is fine.  No biggie - I just changed the image of what I was trying to say with my own crude image.  In fact, it's a bit more clearer and simpler this way.

Personally, I wouldn't care if someone took my own crude image and added to it for the sake of exchanging additional ideas  - which is what I did - but that's just me.  The owner of the image doesn't want it here, then it's off, I respect that.

As for the method itself, I'm sure he knows that MH nor I were trying to make money off of his schemes nor take credit for anything. 

Now, going back to his comments,

Quote from: Moosmann
To the modification: Pin 9 from the MC14551B are only “Enable” Pins. I think, it is >maybe< possible to only connect lifted Pin 29 (from the Hudson-Chip) to the enable Pin 9 from the ICs.
If you have a US System you can solder like this schematic, for the Japanese systems you exchange the wire diagram on one side. I mean, instead  A --> H, you solder H -->A sequence in reverse >only< on the connector >or<  pcb side.

My idea would be a moot point for a US system, since pin 29 of HuC6280 is presumably already grounded on the PCB (as that's what the US games check for), the switch would do nothing useful.  My idea was only intended for the SuperGrafx, which is obviously jp only. 


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« Reply #46 on: January 04, 2007, 11:13:35 AM »
What I meant by taking credit is that you made your own picture using Moosmans own graphics instead of linking to his guide directly nor giving credit.


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« Reply #47 on: January 04, 2007, 11:19:03 AM »
He should put little copyright notices on the pics if he's worried about people using them, no one here intended to plagiarize anything.  That kind of stuff gets passed around all over the place and it's impossible to keep track of who originated what if there's nothing on the pics to tell you.

Michael Helgeson

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« Reply #48 on: January 04, 2007, 11:45:37 AM »
I linked to his site in this thread, and he saw that people were referred to his site from here. He checked it out and noticed MH used his pics and took credit for it.

A lesson worm,taking credit is saying "I CREATED THIS". I did nothing of the sort in any manner and even said this info came from other sources. Give it up and move on worm.


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« Reply #49 on: January 04, 2007, 12:10:21 PM »
What I meant by taking credit is that you made your own picture using Moosmans own graphics instead of linking to his guide directly nor giving credit.

Yes, I modified his image.  I don't have a 100% acceptable defense there, but I did it knowing that he obviously put it up there for people to use his info, so I just used that info he was providing to put out my own thoughts.  The source of the image was linked in an earlier message by you Seladane, so I'm sure anyone who's been keeping up with the thread knew that the original source of the image [minus the additions I made] wasn't me.

More importantly, the whole point of my modified diagram didn't have to do with his particular 2 ic mod, as another known mod using 4 74HC4066 ICs can be used just as well with my idea (which is now shown in the image that I replaced).  Not to mention other ways of controlling the ground on pin 29 as I mentioned on my message prior to that.


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« Reply #50 on: January 04, 2007, 12:12:12 PM »
I didn't take Moosmann's comment as anything threatening - he went about it in a civil manner. 

No, he didn't. That would have meant, as I said before, contacting the mods privately.
I belive that post was made deliberately to stir up drama.

Quote from: Seldane
What I meant by taking credit is that you made your own picture using Moosmans own graphics instead of linking to his guide directly nor giving credit.

1) that's not what 'taking credit' means.

2) how was he supposed to give credit to someone he didn't know existed?

"Fun is a strong word." - SNK
"Today, people do all kind of shit." - Tatsujin


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« Reply #51 on: January 04, 2007, 12:40:20 PM »
A lesson worm,taking credit is saying "I CREATED THIS". I did nothing of the sort in any manner and even said this info came from other sources. Give it up and move on worm.

Please. Did your kid hijack your account? It sure sounds like it.  :roll:

Michael Helgeson

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« Reply #52 on: January 04, 2007, 12:40:41 PM »
Exactly. Any of the worms explanations seem highly unfeasible because of his accusation directed at me,directly naming me saying I was taking credit,and for the mysterious reason as to why the guy joined just to post here. Seldanes doing all this guys explaining for him,which as far as I'm concerned he could only do if he knew the guy in some personal manner or is talking to him directly.

 I mean,the guy didn't say how he found this thread,only Seldane did. Only Seldane is offering up lame excuses and a story made up with so many holes its not even funny. It was obvious as to what was going on right away as soon as I read it all. I believe the worm contacted the moose,said people were stealing his material and taking credit for everything,and got the guy started. I believe he gave him a direct link here,and I believe the moose didn't read my first post,jumped the gun,and made a jackass (heehaw) of himself. The worm started the whole thing. the worm showed what he was about the moment he named me directly for taking credit for something I was not. I think the worm should be stuck on a hook and fed to tha fishes see.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2007, 12:45:22 PM by Michael Helgeson »

Michael Helgeson

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« Reply #53 on: January 04, 2007, 12:44:37 PM »
I also think that after the moose left the worm got left on the hook all by his lonesome. Its obvious what the worm was trying to do/achieve. The reasons why however are not so obvious.


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« Reply #54 on: January 04, 2007, 12:48:13 PM »
Explanation full of holes? Ridiculous. You obviously have no idea what you're talking about. Maintain a website, then return with your accusations. Or wait, you won't be able to, as you'll realize my explanation was fool-proof.

But anyway, I should thank you for the laughs you've given me this evening. :lol:

Michael Helgeson

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« Reply #55 on: January 04, 2007, 12:56:17 PM »
YOUR the only one explaining how he learned of this thread and why he came here,not him himself. You also accused me of something I did not do. I think this is pretty obvious and for you to think people wouldn't see this makes me think you feel the other members here are idiots. People do put 2 and 2 together. I think everyone has pretty much figured out someone here,worm,moose,or both,were trying to start shit. And yea,it worked,you and he started shit.

I however don't think he is nearly as much to blame for this as you are. I think this opinion is agreed upon by others,not just myself here. You should stop trying to save face,anymore your just looking more and more like a liar.


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« Reply #56 on: January 04, 2007, 09:07:04 PM »
It`s no problem for me that some peoples use my >pictures< e.g. in order to translate in a other language, but please contact me first before you use. Please don`t understand me wrong. I take time to make photos and graphics and I think it should be natural to ask.

I didn`t just to create this account to only complain. I create this account mainly to answer with an idea to make this modification >maybe possible< with just one single-switch to connect lifted Pin 29 to the “Enable” Pins from the switch ICs.

Bye Markus

Michael Helgeson

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« Reply #57 on: January 04, 2007, 10:34:18 PM »
@ Michael Helgeson
@ thumpin_termis
Those photos and graphics are subject to my copyright. A use without previous arrangement is not allowed.
Its kind a hard to misunderstand that. You were pretty blunt in your meaning. Also,I don't read german,and if thats where I originally got it from,I wouldn't have seen or noticed a name to mettion credit to to begin with. Where ever I got it and most anything else I find and grab,I usually don't take everything,only what I need.

So when it comes to pics I edit out what isn't needed by me for my own personal use and trash the rest,and I typically don't save names because I usually don't repost others projects or anything. If I saved stuff I didn't need Id have more problems sifting trough my cd-rs trying to find one or two small things I need. Typically the only things I save in complete form are faqs. I also believe in sharing openly,and I don't really care if someone re-uses something I did,esp if they can improve upon it.

 I think getting mad about someone finding anything I did useful and wanting to share it is insane and I don't expect people to ask me permission in advance if they can help someone do a system mod. Thats a control issue and in a gaming community like this I find all that has is a backwards affect on progress.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2007, 10:40:04 PM by Michael Helgeson »


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« Reply #58 on: January 06, 2009, 09:58:26 AM »

I saw this post and noticed some very familiar instructions. Part of what was borrowed here was from a guide originally written by Karl Stenerud back in 1996. It was also updated later by Earnest Rymer, our very own agt_dale_cooper and myself and the last updated instructions are found here:

I am not going to go into a "that's my copyright" argument, especially since I saw that already sort of happened. This is free information for everyone to share / build on, but I do feel it is important to give credit where it is due. Note: I am not happy with the outdated TXT format instructions and plan to do a new update with graphics (and in PDF format) very soon.


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