I don't think its too easy to understand for kinda noob modders unless you speak german but yea I knew of this one that uses the ICs. But yea if you don't like switches its def the best route to go,you'd just have to be comfortable looking at the schematic and walking yourself trough it with no translated instruction.
And so it doesn't get out of contrast,this isn't a sales pitch,or a thread to get someone a mod business started. This thread should be strictly used to keep the information active,so that someone wouldn't have to pay $50 to have someone do the mod just because he couldn't find the info on how to do it. In other words if the person has the ability to do it himself and is only lacking the info as to how to do so then the info should be free and available,not kept secret or horded. And if you have links to post for more info or better ways to do it,def post it here,the more the merrier.
But since price is mettioned by a couple of you:
If however I was to do either mod for someone,a more fair pricing would be $50-60 for the german IC mod,because that one does require more work and parts,but the switch one Id say $30 is more in a fair price range,because honestly,your only soldering some wire to some pins you cut and some solder spots. Its not really hard,or exhausting,and would take maybe 1-2 hours labor at most. That and I mean,there is a difference between helping the gaming community that your a member of out or just taking advantage of their lack of ability. If I was doing it for a friend,Id only charge cost of parts,not labor,because I mean,doing that kinda stuff is a hobby anyway.
And as I said,the switch mod is easy,and honestly Id rather encourage people if possible to learn how to do the stuff on their own and keep the info available to anyone that needs it.