Keranu you might like it because everyone else hates it, but it's too bland to have any JJ & Jeff value as a bad game, it's just a really bad game, I think most people who play it will have mine and Bonknuts's reaction. The main problem is that the main character moves ultra slow, then couple that with sparse enemies, boring level layouts, and some of the worst bosses ever (with patterns that would be simple for a first gen NES game). I can handle a slow main character if the game throws lots of stuff at you like Castlevania or Legendary Axe (and the level layouts are creative and interesting), but when the levels are devoid of any challenge and extremely boring, it makes for a really lame experience.
Nat if you pick it up, wait until you can find a good deal. I got mine from for a really good price, $70 (I also picked up an ultra cheap Harmful Park for PSX for only $75, couldn't believe my luck on that one). He has some amazing prices, I try to check his site once or twice a month.