I believe this is a conspiracy; someone has been plotting to bring Nintendo down for good this generation and it has started with the flying Wiimote stories. Perhaps it's Sony or Microsoft represenitives? My money is on Sony due to Nintendo catching back on sales with them.
Yeah, but this has nothing to do with Nintendo. It'd be like a kid buying an unlicensed porno Gameboy cart.
In the original article I read, it quoted the parents as saying their son knew better than to mix water and electricity and that they knew how he got the power adaptor. It's unfortunate that the parents didn't know any better than to let their child play with a foreign bootleg electronics device.
If Britain is anything like America, then the family will feel the need to sue somebody. But instead of suing the asian mafia in their own country, some sleazy lawyer will convince them to sue Nintendo instead and Nintendo will probably settle with them, which would set a dangerous precident.
But Nintendo has the safest most reliable hardware of any game company.
There's a local company here that does one of Sony's main websites and they came into my last job to buy some dry ice one day. They were shootig a video/commercial of the PS2 and they said they had to try dry ice, because Sony instructed them to use an effect that wasn't too similar to smoke, because the PS2's have overheating problems and are prone to
catching on fire.