While I don't think the general concept of ratings is "bad," in this circumstance I believe it is poor. The implementation is not correct. Since this forum is not really the proper place for politics, I will try to keep this brief and simple, but I feel I must elaborate on what I said.
First of all, the intent of my previous message was to try and make light of the subject while still conveying my underlying feelings about it. I feel that may have been misunderstood.
That said, what the ESRB (and other agencies) represent in this day and age is the slow move this country has been making towards extreme conservatism. The regulation and control of media, in this case. The choices that are made FOR us by third-parties. Freedom of the press, my ass.
While it could be argued that the ESRB is not actually controlling what you buy... think about it. They tout their ratings as "voluntary", but most major chains that sell these games will not sell unrated games. Further, said chains will not sell rated "M" games to kids under a certain age. That all still MIGHT not be so bad, but these jokers don't even play the games they are rating. No, they don't even boot up to the title screen. They rely on a synopsis submitted by the gamehouse to pass judgment. That's why the ratings are a load of shit, and a waste of time.
If I had kids (and for the record, I am certainly old enough to have kids old enough to be playing video games), I sure as hell would NOT be relying on a rating given by some right-wing jackass based on a written synopsis about a game he/she had never even seen. I also would sure as hell hope to know a lot more about the games I was buying my kids than what rating was stuck on the cover.
Don't get me wrong, the ESRB is really only a very small piece of a much larger, much uglier puzzle. This sort of thing hits a nerve with me, though. It was bad enough when they introduced the PG-13 rating. But at least those folks actually WATCH the movies they're rating.
And my apologies to any extreme conservatives here this may have offended. My ill feelings are not against people, just the philosophies.