However, the boys who caused the destruction that is known as Columbine loved to play Doom.
So did/do about 100 million other people who haven't commited murder. I still can't believe that people only look at the sterotypes after the fact when others do something like that.
It's never "Well, they lived in a house. There are signs that they may have once ingested food. We're pretty sure they breathed air".
But other common traits to the rest of society get singled out when they're subjects that can still trick people into getting riled up.
Which is how 'Bowling for Columbine' got it's title. Why isn't there a national boycot of bowling?
All I am saying is that these games are a form of influence and kids could imitate what they see. So having ratings that are useful to parents is beneficial to society.
Like I said before, ratings are fine. But as for kids imitiating what they see... kids entertainment is more tame now than it has ever been. Kids used to watch/read/hear cowboys & injuns shows and play army. All involving humans killing humans.
Then we got to the 80's, with MOTU, GI Joe & Transformers. Again, all out war. Followed by the violent 80's & 90's games. But you know what? There isn't a generation of serial murderers out there.
One of the kinds of modern influences that might taint kids, who shouldn't be exposed to it in the first place, is all the thung & pimp idolism. Not so much because of the 'mature' themes, but because there are many personalities that pretend to really live that lifestyle and some that are caught commiting violent acts. Other types of entertainers still commit as many violent acts and such, but when a thug clown does it, it's a real life extension of their character.
Again, we should still have this and almost any kind of entertainment, but extreme subject matter shouldn't be freely available to children. If parents want to give their children mature subject matter, that's their business. But nowadays kids who can't buy a Playboy can buy other mags and various forms of media far more sexually explicit(like Cosmo).
In the end, the real problem is parents not taking care of their kids. All you have to do is play a few rounds of a popluar online multiplayer game to see how bad it is. But even if every parent did everything right, we'd still have people doing bad things. It's human nature.