I shouldn't further this, but it is interesting. Advertising (my forte) is a means of reaching people who have a specific need or want with a message about a product that will fill that need or want. So again the propensity (or whatever you want to call it) already exists, the ad is simply trying to make a connection.
Well, I think you're being too generous with this definition
. I tend to go with a more critical approach: Marketing is often designed to *create* a need. Do we, as humans, really have a need for 99.99% of the stuff in ads? Hell no. If staple foods and neccessities of life (shelter! detergent! toilet paper!) comprised most of the items being marketed, then I'd agree with you.
But sugary snacks, luxury vehicles, beer, get-quick-rich schemes, lose-weight-effortlessly schemes, etc. dominate the landscape. I actually like to watch infomercials, since they are often entertaining (Chef Tony! Ricardo Montalban and his passion for the Grillerie! ).
And companies have spent a lot of money and research on how to effectively (mercilessly) target young children (i.e. see research on the "nagging effect", the McLibel case in the UK and McDonald's tactics towards kids, commercials pumped into classrooms -- young captive audiences -- under the guise of "free" educational programming, corporate sponsorship of school sports, etc. etc. etc.)
But I'm not actually trying to make a fork in the discussion; I have a young daughter and I am trying to figure out the best way to handle this crap. I also feel guilty for having worked in a marketing department that created tons of banner ads that continue to clutter up the internet (it was near-predatory lending at its finest
I've mentinoed this before, but a famous marketer whose career ended in the 50's (or 60's... sadly I forget his name) said that he foresaw a future world with "ad-free zones"... sanctuaries that could provide a brief escape from the onslaught of ads. It's an idea that I find fascinating and disturbing. Unfortunately, I think he was too optimistic: We should be so lucky!