Author Topic: PC Engine AV mod  (Read 11528 times)

Buster D

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Re: PC Engine AV mod
« Reply #270 on: March 01, 2007, 12:26:18 AM »
Many systems ehh...
Last I checked the Master system,Genesis,Nes,Pc Engine on up all either produced either composite,or RGB,

Really crappy composite in some cases, and RGB could only be obtained with mods or homemade/imported cables, the American branches of the companies didn't do jack to give customers RGB.  And there's plenty of video game systems that came out before the NES that only had RF.

Snes produces S-Video and RGB.

The first version of the SNES anyways.

And after even stating in your own words that your setup using Dscaler is not perfect,

I never said it wasn't perfect for obtaining a 240p image from a video game system.

Scanlines are a normal part of SDTV,and older game systems are all built around the idea of being displayed on a SDTV with a NTSC or Pal signal. IT IS THE WAY IT IS MEANT TO BE VIEWED.
  This is nothing more than your opinion.  A gamer can choose to play his video games however he likes, no video game company said you always have to play their games with scanlines.  And the way games are designed isn't always absolute from an official standpoint, either.  Game Boy games were designed to be played on a Game Boy, yet Nintendo brought out several ways to play them on a TV.

As far as me saying anything specific as to why Dscaler not as good looking,well for one the color reproduction is off,

A small difference in color quality hardly makes a big difference.  The tint isn't off and colors look perfectly vibrant.

and 2 the fact that your running it into a capture card,then displaying it on a VGA monitor which has a completely different and much higher pixel per scan line count is also another reason.

So what?  All the same pixels and lines are still being displayed, nothing is being dropped.

No matter how much work you have Dscaler do,it will not look as good or even the exact same as my TV with my systems run in composite or S-video.

If you think composite is better than my setup just because it has scanlines, more power to you.  Gave me a good laugh, though.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2007, 12:44:29 AM by Buster D »

Buster D

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Re: PC Engine AV mod
« Reply #271 on: March 01, 2007, 12:48:13 AM »
Well, I tried taking pictures, but I just have a crappy cellphone camera so they couldn't get an accurate picture of the screen (I also tried taking a picture of the desktop so I know it wasn't DScaler's fault).  Oh well, you'd probably just use the lack of scanlines or some other excuse to bash it.

Michael Helgeson

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Re: PC Engine AV mod
« Reply #272 on: March 01, 2007, 01:27:11 AM »
You have yet to post any pics,you just carry on with your typical flawed argument and now add complaints to it like "its hard to get a good RGB cable Blah Blah Blah Whine Whine Whine" Funny your esp complaining about how the American side of things went,when you don't even live here it sounds like.

This is nothing more than your opinion.  A gamer can choose to play his video games however he likes, no video game company said you always have to play their games with scanlines.  And the way games are designed isn't always absolute from an official standpoint, either.  Game Boy games were designed to be played on a Game Boy, yet Nintendo brought out several ways to play them on a TV.

Yes you can choose the display method of your choice,that is your right,however what I said is not a  matter of opinion but of fact. The official standpoint was decided and stated when they placed RF,composite,Av and rgb ports on these systems. The game systems created back then were indeed created and designed to be displayed on SDTVs and RGB monitors and since these had scanlines its pretty obvious they go hand in hand. THIS is all there was at the time,all there was for over 40 years to the general public.

This has been fact since  NTSC color television standard  was decided on and invented in the 50ies and up until HDTV was made SDTV WAS the ONLY standard available to the normal masses as the in-home visual display unit for game systems and video devices. SDTV and RGB monitors are the obvious best choice visual quality wise as nothing up to date has looked better for older game systems. This will always remain fact,because alot of HDTV sets do not work well with older 240P game systems and LD players,and exhibit flaws in the visual quality and this will only continue to get worse as SDTV is pushed away in favor of completely switching over to HDTV.

SDTV and RGB analog monitors are the best option for old systems visually,if you want the best picture quality.
Your Gameboy argument is not exactly up to snuff because your taking a game from one system and running it on another via re-engineering methods of hardware along with  a adapter. This took alot of work to do,and in the end actually did not look all that great.

All they did was give you a chance for a larger viewing area and a horrible swappable color palette and junk borders. And I am not sure how you these have great or improved visual quality,as all I remember there being was the Super Game Boy 1 and 2,with both having the same CRAP visual quality,and the Superwideboy which was horrible also because the coloring was off and the image was muddled,plus it carried a $1400 price tag. Then you have the GBA Gamecube adapter which in itself has its own set of visual problems.

Michael Helgeson

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Re: PC Engine AV mod
« Reply #273 on: March 01, 2007, 01:29:14 AM »
Well, I tried taking pictures, but I just have a crappy cellphone camera so they couldn't get an accurate picture of the screen (I also tried taking a picture of the desktop so I know it wasn't DScaler's fault).  Oh well, you'd probably just use the lack of scanlines or some other excuse to bash it.

LOL I think we were expecting you to come up with some sort of lame excuse,and you did,so f*ck off and stop arguing about something you know nothing about. You're a joke.
BTW,you got home from work and tried to take those pics pretty fast. Sure you were even at work??? Maybe we should have Keranu check to see if the ip address matches for the past few post you did... Oh wait,now you'll probably say you work at home and you only had to travel from your moms computer to your computer in your bedroom I bet.  :P
« Last Edit: March 01, 2007, 01:41:33 AM by Michael Helgeson »

Buster D

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Re: PC Engine AV mod
« Reply #274 on: March 01, 2007, 01:39:57 AM »
Whatever man.  I seriously doubt anything would convince you that using DScaler doesn't produce a crappy image, despite you not offering a shred of evidence as to why it sucks other than the minor color difference.  You've convinced me of nothing.

I'm gonna go enjoy some beautiful video games rendered on my Mitsubishi CRT in 240p with no scanlines.  I hope you stock up on RGB monitors to keep playing games your way for the next couple decades, as they're getting harder to find day by day.

Michael Helgeson

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Re: PC Engine AV mod
« Reply #275 on: March 01, 2007, 01:47:09 AM »
Hard to find how and in what way.... I am surrounded by Best Buys,Circuit City,Wal-Marts,K-Marts,Targets,Sears who sell SDTV sets and arcade vendors who sell RGB tubes and monitors. Not only that,but I don't think ebay is going anywhere and I already have 3 SDTV sets as it is. Yea I will buy a 2-3 more eventually,and they will probably last me my life time as I will only be using them for older hardware.

As I stated before,you obviously hate scanlines,and you seek to try to improve your older game systems image quality with your computer,and you fail. Scanlines are a key factor at making the image look good on lower res systems. Line doubling old game systems just gives a emulated look,like on HDTV sets.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2007, 01:51:28 AM by Michael Helgeson »


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Re: PC Engine AV mod
« Reply #276 on: March 01, 2007, 03:29:32 AM »
As I have said many times, RF and Composite are the only true path to Peace, Love and Happiness. :)

Seriously, though, let's just play some PCE games and be happy :).
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Re: PC Engine AV mod
« Reply #277 on: March 01, 2007, 10:58:42 AM »
 Michael: Buster D isn't attacking you with insults so why are you attacking him? Please either take a chill pill or just STFU. 

Michael Helgeson

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Re: PC Engine AV mod
« Reply #278 on: March 01, 2007, 11:44:48 AM »
Michael: Buster D isn't attacking you with insults so why are you attacking him? Please either take a chill pill or just STFU. 

Bonknuts why don't you stfu. You totally missed this little conversation I am guessing since I did not see you post once during the 8-10 hours that conversation went on,as we were all having a technical argument,and this guy was either blantently lying or fooling himself into believing he is right,and obviously was making false technical statements he could not back up nor did he want to admit he is wrong.

  He couldn't provide his magic proof of his superior,not superior,then superior again according to him picture quality,obviously was not at work,maybe doing homework from school,but not working...either way he was arguing a subject he was wrong on on about every point.

  As for insulting,I did not really insult him,not terribly at least on anything other then the fact he was wrong and couldn't prove he was right,other then to tell him to f*ck off and stop arguing after he failed to deliver his "proof" to prove he is so so right. I didn't call him little lying bitch,lying faggot,lying a$$hole,lying dumbass,lying idiot ect ect... I didnt tell him he was molested by his daddy or momma,accuse him of raping little children ect ect...

 I laugh at how members like you come along many many hours after the argument is over and go" Oh boy,we better get a word in too".You even do it on threads where a comment hasn't even been posted again for days. Its so damn laughable. If you want to help the guy out,try to prove him right,but don't get mad at me cause the guy is wrong and wants to argue about something he does not know much of nothing about. The argument is done and over now,you missed the game,move on unless you can prove him right somehow,unless of course you are just blantently trying to start a argument with me???
« Last Edit: March 01, 2007, 12:02:47 PM by Michael Helgeson »

Hobo Xiphas

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Re: PC Engine AV mod
« Reply #279 on: March 01, 2007, 12:31:21 PM »
Posting just to get my word in this topic


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Re: PC Engine AV mod
« Reply #280 on: March 01, 2007, 12:35:52 PM »
The argument was over hours ago. Better get my word in too!


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Re: PC Engine AV mod
« Reply #281 on: March 01, 2007, 12:47:00 PM »
So... there are time limits as to when you can and can't post? i.e. if it's 8-10 hours later, too bad?

lol  :clap:

Michael Helgeson

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Re: PC Engine AV mod
« Reply #282 on: March 01, 2007, 12:53:17 PM »
I laugh at how members like you come along many many hours after the argument is over and go" Oh boy,we better get a word in too".You even do it on threads where a comment hasn't even been posted again for days. Its so damn laughable. If you want to help the guy out,try to prove him right,but don't get mad at me cause the guy is wrong and wants to argue about something he does not know much of nothing about. The argument is done and over now,you missed the game,move on unless you can prove him right somehow,unless of course you are just blantently trying to start a argument with me???

 I think you guys know what I meant,I was pretty clear about it. People coming around to help a guy carry his argument when the argument is already over and has been obviously for hours or days,and don't even have anything to offer to help him back up his points is not helping him at all,its just a method of trying to keep a argument stirred up without actually having anything solid to contribute to win one side over to the others theories as to why they are correct. Now your just being silly,but silly is good,getting lighthearted is a good way of getting things back on track.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2007, 12:58:53 PM by Michael Helgeson »


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Re: PC Engine AV mod
« Reply #283 on: March 01, 2007, 02:00:36 PM »
The argument is done and over now,you missed the game,move on unless you can prove him right somehow,unless of course you are just blantently trying to start a argument with me???

 I already posted my opinion previously on the argument. My last post was about your behavior, not the argument. People like you are the reason PCE/TG16 fans don't come here as often or anymore. How about showing some sort of restraint or at least a little respect? But whatever. I'll just go back to pce dev/projects and disregard this board.

 Btw, some of us have jobs. Jobs that, you know, get in the way to keeping up with a thread hour by hour and prevents us from posting. It's such a drag.


Michael Helgeson

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Re: PC Engine AV mod
« Reply #284 on: March 01, 2007, 03:12:12 PM »
The argument is done and over now,you missed the game,move on unless you can prove him right somehow,unless of course you are just blantently trying to start a argument with me???

 I already posted my opinion previously on the argument. My last post was about your behavior, not the argument. People like you are the reason PCE/TG16 fans don't come here as often or anymore. How about showing some sort of restraint or at least a little respect? But whatever. I'll just go back to pce dev/projects and disregard this board.

 Btw, some of us have jobs. Jobs that, you know, get in the way to keeping up with a thread hour by hour and prevents us from posting. It's such a drag.


Your last comment did not help his argument,that being MY point. And if he was at work he obviously was not working,and inbetween all that posting he got home really fast to attempt to take pics,before copping out. It became a put up or shut up argument,and he couldn't put up,so he needs to shut up. If he has no way to win his obviously flawed case he needs to stop while he is ahead,instead of pretending to know what he is talking about,and saying his method looks awesome,or even great,because removing scanlines from a older game system image does not improve it,esp if hes running Genesis via composite,its just going to be really ugly. He thought he knew what Super VGA was but was wrong there too.

As for the comment about lack of membership here,that is not my fault. If you want a comparison,the Neo forums are full of real insulting,ranting,bickering,name calling,and the membership there is extremely high. Arguments here take place hardly at all. And if your going to toss blame on me,you have to toss blame on all members partaking in the arguments that have taken place here. You want membership here to expand more,instead of complaining about me,go out and promote this site more,try to recruit more people into the fold,and if at all possible,make it people who have half a idea as to what they are talking about,or are at least humble enough to know they are wrong and able to learn. I typically point alot of ebay customers of mine that collect games in this direction,if nothing else then to just get a look at the site.

As for members leaving because of members like me in vast amounts,I'm sorry I did not notice,because all I have seen here is about the exact same members posting since I joined. With the exception of some new ones including you,as I have been  a member here almost a year longer then you have been,and post twice as much. I would def have noticed this more then you if it had been occurring. Now there has been a few people who joined,but only to sell stuff,or ask a question or 2,then they go on and do their own thing. Thats completely fine and you can't blame that kind of activity on members like me.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2007, 03:22:44 PM by Michael Helgeson »