Ditto on everything but the Genesis composite,since the Genesis offered RGB out normally without needing a hack,and that there was optional s-video breakout boxes made,I think its ideal to use something other then composite on that system if you can. I used to be fine with Genesis composite back when I was younger and used average tv sets but that no longer suites me these days.
BTW Joe my son said he read your KPJ AES died a ugly death. Sucks to be you man,sucks to be you. Contact OSG or Razoola,maybe they can help without you paying tons to Kenny again. I fixed two consolized MVS systems like a year and a half ago that both I think came from Kenny possibly. The problem was the AD chip on the encoders were not soldered down well and had to be redone. The consolization looked like Kennys stuff,coulda been Arcade Kingdom too,and the encoders were Neobitz junk. The problem was either Kurtz didn't solder the chips down good,or they were the do it yourself kits and the person doing the consolization did a shoddy job putting them together.