Well,you know he could have just as easily put up his pics as proof,but I mean,he kept changing his opinion of the picture quality,and I know how well Dscaler runs,and I do not like it for games. It doesn't matter how well you tweak it,its not going to give you as good a picture for older game systems as he would like to believe. Also,I knew what his goal was,without him even saying it.
He was using his comp and Dscaler to avoid SDTVs scanlines and try to improve the game systems picture,which just can not be done by that method,as it does not look as natural or as normal as on a well made SDTV. He even confirmed it with this remark:
But it will do until I get a standalone high-end upscaler.
I do not know if he even considered this but a high end up-scaler even worth buying is up there well past $1500.
Couple this with the cost of a good HDTV just to avoid scanlines and your talking madness. At this rate he would be better off just playing roms on emus. Its the look hes gunning for and since thats the case it would be cheaper to do the emu scene instead.
Dscaler is good for deinterlacing video like VHS and LD and if your lazy, DVD to watch on the fly. However if you really want to deinterlace DVD at the best quality it is better to do it by another method,like in Tmpg. Takes longer,but the end product will look nicer.Dscaler also works well for reducing video noise on analog video like VHS and Laserdisc on the fly and detecting and removing 2:2 pulldown of Pal and 3:2 pulldown on stuff. Its a better suited program for video,not video games.
The other problem I kinda have with Dscaler is it can give a slightly blurred look after its done doing its thing,and this is more obvious with DVDs watched trough it. But I mean,its the quickest method,and the quickest is not going to look the best easily.
The guy is going trough alot of hassle just to run his older game systems and there is no excuse for that really when he could avoid all that and just embrace the fact the stuff will look fine on a normal SDTV. Hes trying to be too techie and leet with his computer then anything else. Oh yea,the other prob,and this is well known,is that Dscaler has issues with a variety of capture cards,so if your buying one just for it you should check the list of known working cards. ATIs TV Wonder works well,that I am sure of.