I thought the PC Engine version of Street Fighter II turbo was better than the SNES & Genesis versions visually, but the music was kind of weak, like they just ran the arcade music through a program that converted it to PCE chip music instead of recomposing it for the system. It definitely plays awesome with a 6 button pad.
Although Capcom clearly didn't take the time to polish up the tunes to make them sound as nice as they could've (
just as they didn't bother to take the time to program in some seperate scrolling bg's), I think that the PC Engine's soundtrack is probably the best overall,
because it's such a seemingly straight port of the original music.
I'm talking the actual music/composition/whatever, not simply to types of 'instruments' used for each channel. I didn't necessarily think so before I recorded the PCE & MD soundtracks and sampled the arcade and SFC soundtracks.
Although its sometimes nice to have crazy sounding electro instruments pounding out game music, even parts of the arcade soundtrack don't sound as good musically because of the sounds used for some sections.
But all 3 versions of SFII (SFC, MD, PCE) have the line scrolling on the floor. What made you think they didn't?
how the linescrolling shows up
I don't know if you mean the seperate scrolling bg's or the warping floors, but there not really much difference in the 'quality' of the warping floors that anyone would notice while playing(
if there is any difference at all). Its not like the SNES or arcade versions used Mode 7 foor the floors.
But I also don't think that the 3DO SSFIIT looks worse than the SNES SSFII just because it has static bg's.
One thing the PCE version definitely does do better than the Genesis/SNES versions is the sfx/voice samples.
And the PCE version plays great even with a 2 button pad.