Let's say you have a little time to waste before heading to work or going out with friends, or you just need a brief break from a long RPG or tough shooter. What Turbo game are you most likely to reach for?
Recently, New Adventure Island has been my go-to game when I'm biding time. It's practically impossible to get stuck anywhere in it, and it requires very little in the way of strategy or memorization, but it's very fast-paced and keeps you constantly on the move. If I have fifteen minutes to waste, NAI will make sure I'm running, jumping, or tossing weapons for every second of it. Plus, it's not a big deal to just turn it off at any given moment.
Some other games that I believe fit the time-wasting mold well are Riot Zone, World Class Baseball, Alien (and Devil's) Crush, China Warrior, and TV Sports Basketball.
What about you?