Amazingly, heres a few things Gamespot said about Super Star Soldier:
'gruelingly difficult', 'Difficulty will make you want to curl up into a fetal position, shivering and sobbing', 'Some options to adjust or tone down the difficulty would have been nice', 'Super Star Soldier's best and worst trait alike is its extreme level of difficulty'.
What are these people on? I have to admit I'm a bit rubbish at games, but SSS is not as hard as they'e making it out to be.
Also: 'Your power-ups can protect you from an instantaneous death, but for the most part, one brush with an enemy or a bullet and you explode. This is typical, but what's unusually strange and sadistic about Super Star Soldier is how, unless you find this one rare power-up, you'll have to start over from the beginning of the stage after you die.'
Rare? RARE? What game are they playing here?
And also, they said:
'Unfortunately, Super Star Soldier does not support two-player simultaneous play like many other, similar games'
So how many shoot 'em ups of the era were 2 player sim? Not bloody many.
EDIT: Aah I just noticed further down the review: 'The audio is nothing special either.'.