Pseudo 3d: Double Dungeons, Dungeon Master, Might & Magic III, Order of the Griffon (except on world maps)
Side Scroller: Cadash, Dragon's Curse, Dynastic Hero, Exile, Exile: Wicked Phenomenon, Shape Shifter, Ys III
Overhead (action): Dungeon Explorer, Dungeon Explorer II, Neutopia, Neutopia II
Overhead (traditional): Cosmic Fantasy 2, Dragon Slayer 2, Ys I & II
Boobies: Hawaiian Island Girls, The Local Girls of Hawaii
Ask and you shall receive! Kind of anyway - what did I miss folks? The only games that
I would call '3d' are first person games. What do
you mean by '3d'? It sounds to me like you are talking about 3/4 perspective overhead, which would narrow it down to one of the Neutopias or Dungeon Explorers. Peep out some of these games on and see if they look familiar.