2M DSL. No idea what the upload is, don't care. Might upgrade to 8, but I don't really see the point in doing that.
You can have 100M in the neighbouring town. Would be interesting to try surfing with such a connection.
Edit: I did your little test and got these results:
------ BNRスピードテスト (ダウンロード速度) ------
http://www.musen-lan.com/speed/ Ver3.5001
測定日時: 2007/03/18 20:54:45
1.NTTPC(WebARENA)1: 266.528kbps(0.266Mbps) 33.08kB/sec
2.NTTPC(WebARENA)2: 242.579kbps(0.242Mbps) 30.19kB/sec
推定転送速度: 266.528kbps(0.266Mbps) 33.08kB/sec