Yea it would be nice if you posted pics of the units power jacks,power supply,and video out jacks.
Here are example pics of one I sold for a friend. I wired it up and painted it red and he bought it off me and used it for a while to see if he wanted to start collecting Neo stuff,but decided he didn't so I resold it for him. He did not want a s-video jack or composite video jack,just the cords themselves running out the back,and he ended up adding kinda ugly lettering to the unit along with a sticker. Your paint job is nice and all,but I mean,other then that and the bottom plate,you are not showing much else so it still looks like a standard non-consolized 2-slot.
Also,its obviously not factory sealed new. Once you do any of this stuff to it it ceases to be new.
Note to all foreigners located outside the USA:
We no longer think the terms "pimp" and "pimped out" and "tricked out" are cool terms to use when describing a modded or consolized game system. I'm not even sure if those terms are still used in the rice popper car culture these days.
ctoomey,if you really want one badly enough,it would be best to nab a 2-slot from ebay. They can be had for around 100-170 bucks. After you do that just add a jrok encoder and power supply. You can use a normal AT or ATX power supply. The extra parts including encoder,psu,and jacks and stuff will run you around $120. This would probably be a much cheaper route to take then going for one way over in Germany,even on a trade.