Author Topic: Need Duo repair help!  (Read 332 times)


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Need Duo repair help!
« on: May 07, 2003, 09:53:00 PM »

I have owned a Duo since about 1995 or so, though I have never played it.   I got the unit in rough shape.  The a/c adapter was missing, so was the socket it plugs into.  I put on a new connector on the a/c adapter (removed the one of came with), and have bought the corresponding socket for the Duo.  Now, there is a red, brown and black wires.  Black is ground to the chassic of the socket I assume.  I'm also assuming red is positive and brown is negative?  

Can anyone give me some helpful hints / confidence?  Thanks!


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follow up
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2004, 10:23:00 PM »
Nearly a year later my Turbo Duo repair hasn't moved much.  I connected power to the unit and tested it with a meter.  Power is getting into the unit up to the fuse.  I cannot verify continuity with the fuse as I don't have that function on the meter.  So, I desoldered the fuse and am going to take it to work and see if it's bad.  (SOC 3A)  I was wondering if someone would remove the cover of their working Turbo Duo and take a pic of the AC jack?  I need to see if the black wire is grounded to the AC jack ... or somewhere on the chassis.  Thanks.


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Good news everyone!
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2004, 09:22:00 PM »
  It works!  I had a buddy of mine give me a hand and help diagnose the problem.  For those that are curious, there are 2 wires on the main board for power.  One red and the other brown.  There is also a black wire for a chassis ground.  The red wire is negative, which connects to the black wire and to the outer ring of the adapter plug.  The brown wire is positive (go figure) and is soldered to the center tip of the plug.

When we did this (after testing) it seemed nothing was happening.  So, I hooked up the A/V cables and lo and behold, Keith Courage pops up!!  Now, I have yet to check the operation of the cdrom drive, I'll do that later.  For now I have to get a 5.5mm x 2.1mm plug and install into my Duo.  I also have to make an adapter cable to use my TG-16 controller with the Duo, easy enough.

Oh yea, the only thing that saved my Duo from getting damaged by wiring the power backwards was a nice diode, placed inline right after the fuse.  Thanks NEC!