Author Topic: Tg16 help  (Read 3066 times)


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Re: Tg16 help
« Reply #15 on: April 18, 2007, 02:18:50 AM »
This sounds really cool.  I've often thought of this myself, but I know I don't have the technical know-how.  Keep us posted with pics and stuff so we can see how this turns out!

will do on the pics.  this should be easier then the other portable im working on (relocating the cart slots is a huge pain).  and as for the custom controllers,  maybe ill make a super nice arcade stick since i dont really like the ones that were made for it.

ill do a how to and take pics of the steps i take for this.  this isnt too hard.

pretty much this is it:

remove mobo from pce

remove screen from casing (you dont have to mod it for leds)

desolder power jacks on pce and screen.  desolder av jacks on pce and screen.  desolder controller ports.

solder leads from av on screen to av on pce mobo

solder batteries to the correct power points on screen and pce.  connect also some leads to run to a power jack to allow charging without removing batteries.

the easy way to do a controller is to solder switchs to the traces on the button contacts on the controller board itself then mount the tact switch to a perf board and put a little hot glue on the bottom of the original plastic buttons and place those over the tacts.  then solder the leads directly to the pce mobo.

mount inside a case (either store bought or homemade)

« Last Edit: April 18, 2007, 02:28:06 AM by ATOM »


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Re: Tg16 help
« Reply #16 on: April 18, 2007, 04:14:18 AM »
If I remember correctly, Aldynes doesn't work properly if pin 29 is grounded. 

Not that it's even relevant, but Aldynes technically still works with the pin 29 mod: it only crashes if you let it go into attract mode.


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Re: Tg16 help
« Reply #17 on: April 18, 2007, 05:40:24 AM »
If I remember correctly, Aldynes doesn't work properly if pin 29 is grounded. 

Not that it's even relevant, but Aldynes technically still works with the pin 29 mod: it only crashes if you let it go into attract mode.

is the game worth including a switch to allow it to work properly?


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Re: Tg16 help
« Reply #18 on: April 18, 2007, 06:06:04 AM »
If I remember correctly, Aldynes doesn't work properly if pin 29 is grounded. 

Not that it's even relevant, but Aldynes technically still works with the pin 29 mod: it only crashes if you let it go into attract mode.

is the game worth including a switch to allow it to work properly?

the game is f*cking awesome.

But Aldynes is a SuperGrafx game. So this is all a moot point unless you are building your portable out of a SuperGrafx. Which, too, would be f*cking awesome.

But I think you mentioned you're using a CoreGrafx so it doesn't matter. You can't play SuperGrafx games on a CoreGrafx no matter how hard you try.


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Re: Tg16 help
« Reply #19 on: April 18, 2007, 06:42:09 AM »
If I remember correctly, Aldynes doesn't work properly if pin 29 is grounded. 

Not that it's even relevant, but Aldynes technically still works with the pin 29 mod: it only crashes if you let it go into attract mode.

is the game worth including a switch to allow it to work properly?

the game is f*cking awesome.

But Aldynes is a SuperGrafx game. So this is all a moot point unless you are building your portable out of a SuperGrafx. Which, too, would be f*cking awesome.

But I think you mentioned you're using a CoreGrafx so it doesn't matter. You can't play SuperGrafx games on a CoreGrafx no matter how hard you try.

yeah the core grafx is so tiny i cant afford not to use it.  unless i want a laptop sized "portable".


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Re: Tg16 help
« Reply #20 on: April 19, 2007, 06:19:34 AM »
I know you're past this point already, but you could use the guts of a pce gt, which includes your controller and you could even rob the speakers out of it.  you would want to replace all the caps, which has been discussed here recently, but that should be easy in light of the other stuff you're gonna do.  Hell, you might even be able to use the card slot.  At any rate, it would give you more room to work within the new shell you put it in.  Just a thought.
The Turbo was Dual Core when Dual Core wasn't cool . . .


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Re: Tg16 help
« Reply #21 on: April 19, 2007, 06:52:17 AM »
I know you're past this point already, but you could use the guts of a pce gt, which includes your controller and you could even rob the speakers out of it.  you would want to replace all the caps, which has been discussed here recently, but that should be easy in light of the other stuff you're gonna do.  Hell, you might even be able to use the card slot.  At any rate, it would give you more room to work within the new shell you put it in.  Just a thought.

power draw on it would be more then what i would make, the screen would still suck, and would defeat what i want to do.  i want something completely custom.  there really isnt anything hard about this except finding the time and the money to do it.

this would be something completly unique as ive seen most other mainstream systems portablized but never the pce or tg16 because of the express (eventhough i think for the time it was awesome but has soo many issues).


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Re: Tg16 help
« Reply #22 on: April 20, 2007, 11:41:17 AM »
Yeah, I wasn't suggesting using the screen (ueehg), I was mainly thinking of the smaller motherboard.  but at any rate, I think it will be interesting  to see what you come up with.
The Turbo was Dual Core when Dual Core wasn't cool . . .


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Re: Tg16 help
« Reply #23 on: April 24, 2007, 12:43:05 AM »
Yeah, I wasn't suggesting using the screen (ueehg), I was mainly thinking of the smaller motherboard.  but at any rate, I think it will be interesting  to see what you come up with.

i could but i dont think i could pull a usable video signal off it.  it might have rgb on it somewhere but im not sure if it has the same video encoder as the other systems in the turbo family.


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Re: Tg16 help
« Reply #24 on: April 24, 2007, 04:13:50 AM »
Yeah, I wasn't suggesting using the screen (ueehg), I was mainly thinking of the smaller motherboard.  but at any rate, I think it will be interesting  to see what you come up with.

i could but i dont think i could pull a usable video signal off it.  it might have rgb on it somewhere but im not sure if it has the same video encoder as the other systems in the turbo family.

You can tap RGB from the video chip itself for any PCE/TG-16 family machines.


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Re: Tg16 help
« Reply #25 on: May 03, 2007, 12:17:39 AM »
well i ordered some of the parts.  maybe ill fool around with this before i finish my other project.  ill post pics and whatnot as it goes on.