well the secret is of course looking for mis-spelled ebay auctions!! i was almost sniped out at the end, if i had not been it would have been only 30!! i saw another one recently for a briefcase system, but he must have noticed the mistake, my bid was cancelled when he realized he was going to make no money
i also found star parodia for dirt cheap bcause the person coulnd turn katakana to useable english haha
ya the cheapest pce duo i saw was about 120 the duo r 180 and rx 250 and up! ive actually never seen a cdrom by itself but pce engines bare, (bare s in no cd, no box, no tv ord, no power cord) are only 15. thats a good deal in comparison and are plentiful.
now if only i could find auction listings for bkon3, ctoton, dienastic hoer, i would be a happy pappy