I'll keep that offer in mind!
The white jack doesn't bother me, I had a feeling you may not have had a yellow jack around. The 2 white jacks just presented a bit of confusion at first, for a moment I thought, "ok.... 2 white jacks....". I figured they would be grouped together, and I was right when guessing that the 2 audio would be together, and the 2 video together. Yesterday I only hooked up the Duo-R to see if it worked, that was about it. I didn't put any real gameplay on it 'til today.
The corner of the box in that picture doesn't give the damage justice, haha. That corner was squishly, like an acordion.
So far, early this morning and a bit this afternoon I played through 2 bosses on Fray, and got lost for a moment in the game (about 60min total), not too long ago I played 20min of Puyo Puyo SCD, 10min Buster Bros, 30min or so (I guess) playing through one map in Populous: Promised Lands.
I'm pretty sure I put 2 hours of play on the Duo-R, with 40min this morning, and 80min this afternoon. All with CD and SCD games. Nothing appears broke. Later this week, or the weekend, I will probably compelte Fray, I'm guessing that's another hour or 2 of gameplay there.
grahf, I'll let you know if anythign negative happens. So far, all appears well.