Well we all know not EVERYONE falls into teh overpriced nonsense

Unfortunately, it's the nonsense of the few that we end up paying for. We're not stupid enough to pay $$$ for a game but now sellers content on their products for reaching a ridiculously, high price preparing for the coming of their god, the lobotomized, rich monkey. 
nonsense of the few.... hmmm, ya i agree with you Press_Run on what you said which relates mostly to ebay i think which a rarely buy from, but i know as i get closer to completing my TGCD/Duo games i am finding my "Want" can start over riding my common sense at times. Of coarse if it is ridiculous pricing i laugh and stay the hell away but if it is priced somewhat higher than what i want to spend i find my self thinking about it. It is a dangerous game wanting something and we all have been there.
Even now with my TG16 Hucard collection being finished i would pay up to $10 or maybe more for 1 of the 4-5 manuals i am missing. When you get closer to finishing your collection you may find your self fighting that urge to spend those big bucks.
That's one way to interpret it...but not what I meant. Let me reiterate:
Those who buy these games at ridiculously high prices (in a lapse of sense, logic, or brain cells) create a shadow standard for which misleads other sellers to believe their stuff should match the unbelievable large price tag no less. Despite disproving their "rational" reasons, the idea of a big fat payday is still stuck in their heads and painfully holding to the day some rick monkey will come along. What's worse is eventually some monkey will match their price and before you know it, everybody gets on the idiot wagon, buying up everything for a "bargain" price. Like how getting Y's III for $80 is a "bargain" compared to $100. And now thanks to that mess, I feel I have to conform to their prices or be considered a cheapskate. (A title I have no objection with.

Besides that, I know what you mean Sparky. The number of cheapies on my wanted list is dwindling fast. Soon enough, I'll have to start searching for the expensive ones. Recently, I offered a guy on Ebay $10 for just the box of Y's III. Is it kinda high for a box, then again I did get the game complete for $3.