My wife knows how goofy I get over video games, and while she doesn't fully appreciate it, she's happy as long as I don't get too obsessive and allow video games to interfere with the important things in life.
She likes Galaga, Ms. Pac Man, etc. etc., but she doesn't want to listen to video game music in the car, for example. (I tried to listen to PCE Dragon Spirit on the trip up to Boston, but she promptly vetoed it. We compromised and listened to Orange Juice instead).
My wife's #1 complaint is that I'm monopolizing all of the storage space in our home. Video games, books, magazines, CD's, records, LD's, etc. etc. eat up a lot of space.
If she found any old-skool computer or console item at a garage sale / thrift store, though, she wouldn't hesitate to get it for me. She recently got a fantastic Dual CS 5000 turntable that some fool was throwing out. No, she doesn't like all the space that my records occupy, but she knew I'd be stoked to have a nice turntable for the stereo in the family room.