What's pretty funny is I just built a new house. I found my surviving Turbo stuff before the move and put the game in a nice protective box and placed it with the rest of my electronic equipment for the move. Ugh, my parents helped, the pack rat in-laws helped, and movers helped. So a few months ago after unearthing my turbo stuff, I decided to start playing again. I get a system from japan, pick up a turbo w/ booster plus, and start looking for my box of games. I tear the freaking house apart looking for the box, but to no avail. I am going berserk because I just recently realize (thanks to ePay and this Forum) that Dungeon Explorer 2, Dracula X, Bonk 3, Terraforming, Deep Blue, and Cotton roughly cost $801 to replace. As I tear the house up looking for my Turbo stuff, she happens to call. I tell her I'm not happy because I think my box of games was lost in the move (I'd already called my mother in Ohio) and was not happy. Then she says, "Oh, that's the box I use to keep the fench doors open in the sun room." I replied with some unfair "do I use your Wustof knives to butcher homeless animals" response and stormed off to find my games. She really didn't care about the replacement cost, but felt bad as it was something important from my childhood that she miss used.