i recieved yesterday my DUO-RX system (with a normal Pc-Engine Pad (but i knew that before the sale) (payed 105 Euro with shipping from hong-kong and 7 Euro taxes and with a 220V adaptor and 2 mint new games (cd's)
(Prince Of Persia and 1 other)
First thing i did was try it out.
Picture is Black and White on TV
Now i found some info on the ned for doing an RGB mos on pc-engine machines but there is no descent DUO-RX explanation.
What i did so far:
I found a place (like on (
www.gamesx.com/rgbadd/rgbturbo.htm) to place a Male DB9 connector (pulled it out from a broken SMS II system, i now at the point of making the DB9 (Female) to SCART (AV) for RGB cause as far is i understood i have to take the rgb right from the DUO-RX videochip.
but now i'm stuck.
Where to solder the wires (R) (G) (B) to on the DB9 Male (on what pin numbers) and how do i solder the Sound to the DB9 Male (where do i need to get the wires for sound to the DB9 and on what pin numbers.) on the PC-Engine.
Other prob is.
The cable i bought a Female to female 10 feet cable (yeah in case i @#%$ up i have a sprae female) i disassambled a old Scartcable.
No i'm stuck (i can't read electro diagrams)
Blue comes from pin 51 of the videochip
Red comes from pin 49 of the videochip
Green comes from pin 47 of the videochip
And i need to lift those pins from the PCB
Now the Wires from inside the DUO-RX to the DB9 Male
Male DB9:
1 2 3 4 5
. . . . .
6 7 8 9
. . . .
Let's say i connect
1 to nothing
2 to Left audio
3 to GND Sound
4 to Right Audio
5 to Nothing
6 Red
7 Green
8 Blue
9 GND Fast Video Blanking
Then on the RGB and DB9 Female
RGB DB9 Female
----- ------------
2 Audio R pin 4
4 GND Audio pin 3
6 Audio L pin 2
7 Blue pin 8
11 Green pin 7
15 Red pin 6
16 must then be
connected to pin 21
of the scart with an
100 ohm resistor)
18 GND pin 9
Pin 20 Composite pin 1
Video Sync
(I'll use no Composite video sync, cause i'll only play on TV and not on monitor)
So dunno if that is needed or i can do it, but does it do something
So can anybody confirm this works on a DUO RX system
So anybody can help me out and correct some stuff