Author Topic: VC: Why TG-16 and not PCE in Europe?  (Read 5002 times)


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Re: VC: Why TG-16 and not PCE in Europe?
« Reply #45 on: June 07, 2007, 06:58:13 AM »
I was studying at business school here.  International Business and Management

Monster Bonce

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Re: VC: Why TG-16 and not PCE in Europe?
« Reply #46 on: June 07, 2007, 07:00:00 AM »
I was studying at business school here.  International Business and Management

I see. Trade!

Arf, arf. Seventeenth century insults—whatever next? "A pox on you, Sir!"


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Re: VC: Why TG-16 and not PCE in Europe?
« Reply #47 on: June 07, 2007, 07:00:20 AM »
Oh yeah, don't even get me started about the food here. 

Monster Bonce

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Re: VC: Why TG-16 and not PCE in Europe?
« Reply #48 on: June 07, 2007, 07:02:03 AM »
You mean you don't like tasteless, rubbery cheese?


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Re: VC: Why TG-16 and not PCE in Europe?
« Reply #49 on: June 07, 2007, 07:02:26 AM »
From living here, I can tel you this is the worst country in Europe I have ever been to. Except for maybe bulgaria.


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Re: VC: Why TG-16 and not PCE in Europe?
« Reply #50 on: June 07, 2007, 07:04:37 AM »
You know whats funny, is they brag about how "Multicultural" they are, and yet none of them have any culture themselves (Or are so preoccupied with somebody elses) .  They have the shittiest food I have ever tasted in europe, and im not just talking about Dutch food, they manage to f*ck up every other type of food they decide to copy.

Monster Bonce

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Re: VC: Why TG-16 and not PCE in Europe?
« Reply #51 on: June 07, 2007, 07:05:25 AM »
Well, a friend of mine swears by bitter ballen. How amusing that sounds to my ears...

Swing by Belgium. The Wallonian food is good. French influence.


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Re: VC: Why TG-16 and not PCE in Europe?
« Reply #52 on: June 07, 2007, 07:07:13 AM »
Well, a friend of mine swears by bitter ballen. How amusing that sounds to my ears...

Swing by Belgium. The Wallonian food is good. French influence.

Actually I already did that, I went to Brugge, it was Great!  But here, oooo noo, just a bunch of barbarians.

Monster Bonce

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Re: VC: Why TG-16 and not PCE in Europe?
« Reply #53 on: June 07, 2007, 07:12:52 AM »
Barbarians might be a bit strong but Dutch politics is a mess. They fancy themselves as liberal but they're not really. Actually they're just super permissive conservatives. You can do what you like as long as you stay out of their pockets. If there's money to be made publishing Sadistic Rape Monthly someone in Holland will do it. That doesn't necessarily make you liberal.

Or perhaps it does, but it certainly doesn't make you left wing. Maybe the Dutch are right and the US meaning of liberalism should be expunged from political discourse because it confuses thing so badly.

I also find it hilarious that they're complaining about nasty non-liberal foreigners messing-up their multi-cultural society. Liberals against immigration—priceless.


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Re: VC: Why TG-16 and not PCE in Europe?
« Reply #54 on: June 07, 2007, 07:15:50 AM »
Thats the Irony of it, All the feminists in holland claim to feel for the oppressed muslims, but when the "Oppressed Muslims" become numerous enough, its not gonna be any more "Sex and the city" on TV and women saying "I can do what I want"  Nope, just a trembling, scared little girl with a black eye.  Just some turks bitch.  HAHAHAHAHAHA

Monster Bonce

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Re: VC: Why TG-16 and not PCE in Europe?
« Reply #55 on: June 07, 2007, 07:19:12 AM »
Let's not forget, when the Dutch rule the world CD-I will be the only games console permitted. Luckily there will be some great Zelda and Mario games for it...

Enough. I quite like Holland and here I am slagging an entire country off. Tut, tut.


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Re: VC: Why TG-16 and not PCE in Europe?
« Reply #56 on: June 07, 2007, 07:20:41 AM »
HAHAHA CDI is the console equivelent of dutch food.


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Re: VC: Why TG-16 and not PCE in Europe?
« Reply #57 on: June 07, 2007, 07:24:56 AM »
I quite like Holland and here I am slagging an entire country off. Tut, tut.

What ive noticed is that everybody likes holland who doesnt live there, it has a very big reputation, but it all depends on what kind of person you are whether you will like living here or not.   The Dutch claim many things they are, which they are not, they say one thing and do another, they often contradict themselves alot too.  For a guy like me who is from a very different world than the one the dutch live in, its hard to adjust.

Monster Bonce

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Re: VC: Why TG-16 and not PCE in Europe?
« Reply #58 on: June 07, 2007, 07:43:28 AM »
On the food front, the country I'm from is pretty grim. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of good restaurants but there's no real native food or food culture.

There is also too much Italian and pseudo-Italian food (particularly the latter). Italian food has usurped French food as the ultimate in cooking. I can only assume this is because people can make half-arsed pseudo-Italian food at home whereas French food is considered too complicated.

The same thing is happening with European wine vs. New World wine, where people are avoiding European wine in favour of New World because they want to know what grape type is used in a wine—as if they can tell anything much from grape type or it's somehow easier to understand than terroir.

Current debates in France about whether or not the French have lost it, French food outside of France is on the whole superior to Italian food outside of Italy. Most "Italian" food in Europe is just dull pasta dishes. Part of my family is of Italian (and Wallonian) extraction and I grew up eating a lot of Italian food. I am, I have to be honest, a bit bored with it but more than that I am sick of the middlebrow crap that is presented as Italian food in most of Europe.

Unfortunately, such is its culinary dominance that French restaurants are now confined mostly to the expensive and super-expensive end of the market and I can't afford that very often. In France you can get great food for very little money.

Monster Bonce

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Re: VC: Why TG-16 and not PCE in Europe?
« Reply #59 on: June 07, 2007, 07:46:25 AM »
What ive noticed is that everybody likes holland who doesnt live there, it has a very big reputation, but it all depends on what kind of person you are whether you will like living here or not.   The Dutch claim many things they are, which they are not, they say one thing and do another, they often contradict themselves alot too.  For a guy like me who is from a very different world than the one the dutch live in, its hard to adjust.

That's probably true of anywhere. I'm sure I'd find the US baffling in a way I don't find most of Europe. Despite coming from a (mostly) Anglophone country I even find England rather different from what I'm used to.