How does this not apply to being Irish?
Because most western european socialist types, are concerned about the rights of indigenous peoples in places like tibet, or some other place very far off. The idea that europeans can be indigenous peoples of europe does not really sit to well with them, because they associate having an ethnic identity with racism (unless your from some non european country).
As to what I believe, I believe in the rights of indigenous peoples everywhere, not just in tibet or places like that. I was born in the united states of america, im an American citizen, but where I and Walsh disagree is that I think the only true americans are the native american indians, I can be a citizen of the united states of america, but never a true american like them because they are indigenous, and I am not.
In Holland, native dutch children are not taught about their ancestors or where they come from, because they would conflict with the socialist plans, the idea is for them to forget their history so they dont see any cultural differences between them and others.