I will purchase one copy, unsigned. $30.00 sounds good for a game such as this.
My suggestions would be:
- Please print actual CD's. Not every machine can read CD-R's. While it's nice to have a homebrew game on CD-R, not being able to play it sucks.
- You can always print a, "Have you tried these other games" on the manual, and list Neutopia 3, and other games you are working on. haha
- Put together an actual site for information on this game. Create a section on Frozen Utopia with information on the game, screenshots, etc, etc, That way the game has a home presence, where others can go to read about it. Put that together, then others can pass around a link when sharing the news of this game with others.
- A newsletter would be nice. Setup a mailing list where folks can be updated to 2 important dates. Preorders, and the actual day of release.