im glad to see othr people hate this stupid thing too! there is no real joke, just an obvious statement that is turned into some screaming rant.
or it follows the patter of "dude", "yeah..." which is not only unfunny but extremely pointless! i feel like its some mesage board overloaded with trolls that someone decided to draw pictures to!
the whle "dude, yeah" thing kind of works on a tv show like sealab 2021, but only because it is so cleverly written and appropriate in that kind of context becaus people actually talk like that. but then the same legion of fans, who dont fully get the joke, start to make their own crappy productions of whatever with non jokes and it comes offlooking like crap because they speant 5 minutes thinking it up.
of course onetme i brought this idea up in a convesation with some people from gen Y and they all freaked out on me, like i was some old timer who complained about bellbottoms and long hair and not being hip or with it.
i think the internet has destoryed all creativity filters. of course im not trying to stop free speech, as everyone thinks i want when i say this, but the internet has really lowered the bar on what passes for entertainment. simply because anyone can do it. true it has allowd SOME things to come out of the dark that canbe enjoyed, butid say 90% of it garbage. just look at youtube. with people who edit videos to other peoples music using only JPEGS and painshop text to try and tell something. maybe peny arcade gets cred because its actualy drawn somewhat OK. but these kind of things have NO value! maybe people eat it up because it is worthless, and unlike the paper, the radio the tv who have controls in place to keep quality high (yes it is to make alot of money too, duh) but still most eveything in real media beats stupid my space, you tube, blogs and webcomics everyday for the rest of time
also dont comic strips usually have some backgrounds?