Check this out. Just more of the typical reviews from people who don't know jack about TG16 or older gaming in general. Some of my favorite highlites:
Where it often fell flat was in the gameplay department, with its enormous and colourful sprites frequently used to mask shallow or downright dull gameplay. This is certainly the case with China Warrior, a beat-'em-up which features some of the largest sprites of its time as well as some of the worst fighting action you're ever likely to witness."
"1/10" - Review score for China Warrior, though I guess it's better than them giving it a 6/10 to make it look like the worst score. Either way, it deserves higher!
"Probably the fastest vertical shooter on the VC, Soldier Blade is as generic as they come - colour-coded weapon power-ups, hovering support pod, manga styling..."
"Admittedly, he does get to ride a skateboard as well, but while everything looks very jolly and chunky, there are only so many times you can throw a boomerang at unmoving snakes and snails before it all starts to merge into one generic splodge of fruit pick-ups and palm tree backdrops. "