Author Topic: More TG16 VC review bullshit  (Read 2386 times)


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Re: More TG16 VC review bullshit
« Reply #15 on: June 24, 2007, 04:05:54 PM »
You guys make it sound as if China Warrior is a feeble game -- IT

In fact, China Warrior KICKS YOUR ASS.

I speak the Truth.  :)
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Turbo D

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Re: More TG16 VC review bullshit
« Reply #16 on: June 24, 2007, 04:18:48 PM »
I remember the first time I played China Warrior, I was amazed. The large sprite was something that was really cool. It was the only game of its time to  have that large of sprite, maybe the only game ever. I always enjoyed fighting those army guy bosses, they looked like my neighbor, haha.


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Re: More TG16 VC review bullshit
« Reply #17 on: June 24, 2007, 06:37:44 PM »
[steve, close your eyes now to avoid suicidal (or homicidal) thoughts]

China Warrior is worth more than 1/10 points, but it's not a spectacular console game. Yes, it relies heavily on the "WOW"-factor of the large sprites. And yes, here and now in 2007 this "WOW" factor isn't as pronounced as it was in 1987. But graphical prowess aside, the game isn't a train-wreck. Sure, it's pretty shallow. Yeah, Bruce Lee II is a little stiff-limbed. And I'll admit a lot of the bosses leave something to be desired. But I've said before, and I'll say again, China Warrior is my #1 time-waster game when I'm playing the Turbo on-the-go with my GT. I've popped China Warrior into my GT more often than any other game when I've just got a few minutes to burn.

Despite it's shortcomings, it's control doesn't even approach the atrocity of Street Fighter, and the game does move along at a decent enough pace to keep you occupied. And in small doses, the game is plenty of fun. The graphical design and gameplay seem to me like they were tailor-made for the GT (although they obviously weren't).

Having said all that I'll add that I rarely play the game on my TurboGrafx console. There are too many other better time-wasters better suited to the big-screen.

[steve, it is now safe to open your eyes]


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Re: More TG16 VC review bullshit
« Reply #18 on: June 25, 2007, 04:28:41 AM »
I have a sneaking suspicion that this tool has never touched a TG-16 and the VC is his first exposure to the 8 bit fury.

And this matters how? The only thing I could think of is that they lack nostalgic feelings for it, which ought to give them a more objective look at these games. In reviews like these, I'd trust these guys over hardcore PCE fans. Fans tend to be very forgiving and automatically like everything in their area, even though it is bad.

Example: Most Ys fans refuse to understand that Ys Origin is crap.

It matters because he made it matter.  If he wants to waste space in a review talking about the history of the console, then maybe he should actually know a little something about it.  I didn't say that he had to have played a TG-16 for the past 20 years, but he should have played a few dozen games on real hardware at some point (preferably recently).  Based on his comments about the TG-16, it's obvious that he knows very little about the console or its library (oh yeah, tons of great sports titles).  It's fine if the only exposure he has is on the VC, but then he should limit his reviews to the VC games.

I'll stand by my original assessment.  TMNT for the NES and Final Fight for the SNES both were rated 6/10, yet the review comments were just as negative as China Warrior's.  This clown just can't give a consistent, intelligent review and rating.  I actually agree that China Warrior is pretty sucky.  It isn't the absolute worst game ever, but there are plenty of better side scrolling beat 'em ups. 
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Re: More TG16 VC review bullshit
« Reply #19 on: June 28, 2007, 07:47:59 AM »
Blame Hudson for releasing garbage like China Warrior & Lode Runner on the VC and making the TG16 look bad, you can't expect someone who isn't a Turbo fan to play China Warrior and actually like it.  Hell 90% of Turbo fans even hate the game, a 1/10 score is about what I'd give it too.


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Re: More TG16 VC review bullshit
« Reply #20 on: June 28, 2007, 07:59:04 AM »
THANK you.


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Re: More TG16 VC review bullshit
« Reply #21 on: June 28, 2007, 08:59:19 AM »
Battle Lode Runner was a great choice to release for the VC, if for the import factor alone.
Quote from: Bonknuts
Adding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).


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Re: More TG16 VC review bullshit
« Reply #22 on: June 28, 2007, 05:14:54 PM »
I gotta admit, as much as I love China Warrior, it was a bad choice, atleast, this early in the game!  I hope they release Drop Off next!!

Black Tiger

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Re: More TG16 VC review bullshit
« Reply #23 on: June 29, 2007, 05:35:36 PM »
I gotta admit, as much as I love China Warrior, it was a bad choice, atleast, this early in the game!  I hope they release Drop Off next!!

Done and done.

Next month's releases include- Dragon Spirit, Air Zonk, Devil's Crush, Drop Off and Silent Debuggers.

At this rate, the Turbo catalogue will be maxed in no time.

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Re: More TG16 VC review bullshit
« Reply #24 on: June 30, 2007, 01:14:50 AM »
Dragon Spirit? Finally something cool! :)


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Re: More TG16 VC review bullshit
« Reply #25 on: June 30, 2007, 02:15:41 AM »
I gotta admit, as much as I love China Warrior, it was a bad choice, atleast, this early in the game!  I hope they release Drop Off next!!

Done and done.

Next month's releases include- Dragon Spirit, Air Zonk, Devil's Crush, Drop Off and Silent Debuggers.

At this rate, the Turbo catalogue will be maxed in no time.
Drop off is 0/10 (or even worse) in comparison to China Warrior, which isn't saying much considering how folks feel about China Warrior.

All I can say is this: there are tons of crap games (Kaze Kiri! Fighting Street!) that deserve 1/10 and scores of that nature.

China Warrior, on the other hand, is clearly and undeniably solid gold! I actually like the gameplay... as I've said numerous times in the past, CW is a rhythm-game at heart (yes, a rhythm-game well before the genre was officially branded) and when you "get in the zone", quick reflexes alone will allow you to proceed seamlessly. Sure, you can memorize some of the key moments of a stage (i.e. moments when a sweeping jump kick is required, or the spots where you'll find power-ups, patterns for the bosses), but the overwhelming bulk of the game is a fantastic twitch-reflex rhythm game that really flows nicely when you smack down all of the spatulas, pots and sponges the game throws at you.

Remember: do not use turbo switches and use a variety of offensive moves. China Warrior is actually quite enjoyable, and the music kicks ass and really helps you get into the rhythmic gameplay.

I had written a nice "In Defense of China Warrior" post at magicengine (no, I didn't mention the graphics at any point), but it must have been wiped away when they lost 1-2+ years of posts.

Disclaimer: No, I don't expect 99.99% of folks to become fans of China Warrior. I do hope, however, that I might pique the interest of the remaining 0.01%. Given the fan base of TG-16, this amounts to approximately 1 person every decade or two. Yeah, it's tough work :)
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Black Tiger

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Re: More TG16 VC review bullshit
« Reply #26 on: June 30, 2007, 07:12:04 AM »
Any functioning game with some length deserves at least a 3 unless there is a major design flaw tossed in.

Here's another score of 1 for China Warrior to fuel the flames-

IGN was generous enough to give it a 1.5, with great comments like "It stinks" and how the Nintendo employee who greenlit CW's release should be fired-
« Last Edit: June 30, 2007, 07:20:54 AM by Black Tiger »

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Re: More TG16 VC review bullshit
« Reply #27 on: June 30, 2007, 08:49:19 AM »
Yeah I saw that IGN review today. Here is something I found interesting in it:

"Horrible. A side-scrolling fighter that forces you to constantly move, severely limits your attack options and only has room for three sprites on-screen at once."

That quote refers to the gameplay and gives that portion of the game a 1.5. Even with the forced scrolling, you still get more attack options than Mario :P .
Quote from: Bonknuts
Adding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).


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Re: More TG16 VC review bullshit
« Reply #28 on: June 30, 2007, 10:07:20 AM »
Nice! These reviews make me happy. Bad games SHOULD get bad reviews. Yet they rarely do. Perhaps reviewers worldwide are finally getting to their senses?

Right, I also noticed China Warrior got a really bad review in a magazine I have. They called it a tech demo, I believe. Good, good.


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Re: More TG16 VC review bullshit
« Reply #29 on: June 30, 2007, 10:57:25 AM »
The only people who give good reviews for China Warrior these days are a few people from these boards, so I don't know where you're getting your information, Sel.

And I agree, China Warrior could be classified as a tech demo, but does that mean it's a bad game? Far from it. Just because a game has critical flaws doesn't mean it's not enjoyable.
Quote from: Bonknuts
Adding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).