I gotta admit, as much as I love China Warrior, it was a bad choice, atleast, this early in the game! I hope they release Drop Off next!!
Done and done.
Next month's releases include- Dragon Spirit, Air Zonk, Devil's Crush, Drop Off and Silent Debuggers.
At this rate, the Turbo catalogue will be maxed in no time.
Drop off is 0/10 (or even worse) in comparison to China Warrior, which isn't saying much considering how folks feel about China Warrior.
All I can say is this: there are tons of crap games (Kaze Kiri! Fighting Street!) that deserve 1/10 and scores of that nature.
China Warrior, on the other hand, is clearly and undeniably solid gold! I actually like the gameplay... as I've said numerous times in the past, CW is a rhythm-game at heart (yes, a rhythm-game well before the genre was officially branded) and when you "get in the zone", quick reflexes alone will allow you to proceed seamlessly. Sure, you can memorize some of the key moments of a stage (i.e. moments when a sweeping jump kick is required, or the spots where you'll find power-ups, patterns for the bosses), but the overwhelming bulk of the game is a fantastic twitch-reflex rhythm game that really flows nicely when you smack down all of the spatulas, pots and sponges the game throws at you.
Remember: do not use turbo switches and use a variety of offensive moves. China Warrior is actually quite enjoyable, and the music kicks ass and really helps you get into the rhythmic gameplay.
I had written a nice "In Defense of China Warrior" post at magicengine (no, I didn't mention the graphics at any point), but it must have been wiped away when they lost 1-2+ years of posts.
Disclaimer: No, I don't expect 99.99% of folks to become fans of China Warrior. I do hope, however, that I might pique the interest of the remaining 0.01%. Given the fan base of TG-16, this amounts to approximately
1 person every decade or two. Yeah, it's tough work
