I have always like 2D over 3D in a sense, but you got to admit there are some bad ass games made for like the PS2 and a few for Gamecube. I personally just like good games in general. Most of these games are made by Capcom, Konami, Namco, Enix and Squaresoft.
I own atleast 30 PS2 games. Most of these consist of games like Silent Hill, Metal Gear, Final Fantasy (X-2 sucks though), Ring of Red, Onimusha, Devil May Cry 1, Ace Combat, Gradius III + IV and V, Silpheed, Rygar, Dragon Quest 8. As for Gamecube there is a few: Resident Evil 1 remake, 0 and 4, Metal Gear Solid remake, Tales of Symphonia, Metroid Prime (It may be a first person, but just play the game and you will be suprise how well they pulled it off) and Eternal Darkness. See I don't play crap games like Big Mutha Truckers and Need for speed part 30 or something. I just like games period, I try not to be too picky or else you limit yourself to playing the same old shit all the time.
Another thing is it seems like a lot oldschool gamers aren't patient gamers anymore. They want to beat all their games in a short time. I find it harder to pick up an RPG game than a few years ago. As for this generation, there really isn't all that many games to choose from atleast until the next year. The only games I like for 360 are Dead Rising, Lost Planet and I guess Gears of War.