For Sapphire they used pre-rendered polgyons that they were able to animate so well you'd think the system is rendering them in real-time.
Other games you might want to consider: Any of the SNK fighter ports (Fatal Fury 2, Special, World Heroes 2, Art of Fighting, etc). These ports are all EXCELLENT and some, like Art of Fighting, utilize special zooming effects. Many people consider these Turbo ports better than the NeoGeo originals.
I'd probably recommend mentioning Air Zonk before Magical Chase. Air Zonk features an absolutely awesome soundtrack, probably the best soundtrack on the system that isn't redbook audio, at least on a technical level. It also includes all that layered multi-plane scrolling stuff that Magical Chase does.
Hmm... This is tough without being able to look at my Turbo library for ideas.
I've heard Metamor Jupiter has some nice graphics with scaling and such although I've never played that one.
Some of the flat shaded polygon enemies in
Sapphire animate smooth enough to look like the real deal, but most of the prerendered cgi looks like a poor man's DKC. Sapphire does still do some impressive effects and has lots of nice art though.
Neo Geo Arcade Card ports really are special by 16-bit console standards and hold up amazingly well to the originals.
Air Zonk is pretty much all 'slate' parallax that the NES and Intellivision do fine(
like Sonic minus the mid ground play area).
Magical Chase has independant layers of overlapping bgs that shouldn't even be possible on the SuperGrafx as well as some nice transparent shadow effects and other neat tricks(
like wavy sections of background).
But it stands out more by the quality art that was masterfully translated to Turbo graphics, the top notch soundtrack both on a technical level as well as just music and most importantly, the real game/gameplay is as good as the aesthetics.
Air Zonk is most note worthy for its amazing soundtrack, particularly on a technical level.
Metamor Jupiter does do some cool effects, but some chug so bad that it counteracts the wow factor.
Champions Forever Boxing is a TurboGrafx/U.S. game thats technically impressive for it's 100% sampled soundtrack/sfx which all sound great.
Not only does
Vasteel push 20+ layers of slate style parallax on screen at once, it has transparent layers of backgrounds like the SNES, some of which twist and warp around. It also has some foreground columns in places that make the game chug. But they're 'technically' impossible for the system so its cool to see them. It also has some nice prerendered robot sprites that look nicer than most of Sapphire's.
It Came from the Desert makes good use of patches of fmv.
John Madden Duo CD Football features some nice color
full screen fmv(
boot the game with the System 2.0 Card for a sample).
I think
Lords of Thunder is as impressive over all as any other game on '16-bit' consoles at the time(
even the Sega-CD version).
Forgotten Worlds is usually over looked for recreating CPS-1 graphics almost perfectly, while people go crazy over Sega-CD's grainy Final Fight and the heavily butchered SFII ports for all consoles at the time. Its about on par with the 3DO SSFIIT port.
Falcon and
Gunboat both feature
realtime polygon 3D graphics. They're not very good 3D graphics, but its still polygons on a TG-16.