Author Topic: Why such a big price difference in PCE consoles?  (Read 1102 times)

Black Tiger

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Re: Why such a big price difference in PCE consoles?
« Reply #15 on: July 08, 2007, 04:33:02 PM »
I disagree with Tatsujin and think it's a very good controller. My main complaint is that the buttons aren't nice American concave style like the Avenue Pad 6.

I disagree with Keranu and think its not a very good controller. The d-pad is the main culprit, its pretty hard to street fight with. The buttons aren't as nice as regular PCE/Turbo pads either, but not as garbage as the d-pad is.  :P

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Re: Why such a big price difference in PCE consoles?
« Reply #16 on: July 08, 2007, 04:34:28 PM »
I disagree with Tatsujin and think it's a very good controller. My main complaint is that the buttons aren't nice American concave style like the Avenue Pad 6.

yeah..but i really hate its shape, it's too clumsey. and the d-cross isn't by far that good as those from the ancient controllers.
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Re: Why such a big price difference in PCE consoles?
« Reply #17 on: July 08, 2007, 05:10:09 PM »
I'll add my opinion, since everyone else is. :P My experience is only with the PC-FX controller, although I understand it's identical to the Duo-RX controller.

My feelings lie somewhere in between; I feel the controller is neither spectacular nor crap.

Contrary to Tatsujin, I think it feels very comfortable hold and this is it's biggest advantage. The six buttons feel fine not being concave. But like Mr. Tiger, I believe the biggest issue is with the D-pad which just doesn't feel quite right somehow. Not something that makes you want to commit suicide, like the D-pad on the "Battle Pad", but not warm and squishy like... well, nevermind.

The NEC Avenue 6 button pad is a better controller, all around.

Black Tiger

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Re: Why such a big price difference in PCE consoles?
« Reply #18 on: July 08, 2007, 06:20:03 PM »
I'll add my opinion, since everyone else is. :P My experience is only with the PC-FX controller, although I understand it's identical to the Duo-RX controller.

My feelings lie somewhere in between; I feel the controller is neither spectacular nor crap.

Contrary to Tatsujin, I think it feels very comfortable hold and this is it's biggest advantage. The six buttons feel fine not being concave. But like Mr. Tiger, I believe the biggest issue is with the D-pad which just doesn't feel quite right somehow. Not something that makes you want to commit suicide, like the D-pad on the "Battle Pad", but not warm and squishy like... well, nevermind.

The NEC Avenue 6 button pad is a better controller, all around.

Its most noticible when you try playing a PC Engine game with a regular or Ave pad and then switch to the RX pad.

The FX pad seems fine because its pretty much all anybody has for PC-FX.

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Turbo D

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Re: Why such a big price difference in PCE consoles?
« Reply #19 on: July 08, 2007, 08:25:59 PM »
what do you guys think about the hori commander?


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Re: Why such a big price difference in PCE consoles?
« Reply #20 on: July 08, 2007, 09:53:39 PM »

It's a great pad.. if I had smaller hands I'd prefer it to my RX pad.  It has a thin and rigid
feel to it... kinda like an Ave. 6.  That's my only knock on it.  If you want a Hori controller
for your PCE you should get a Fighting stick.  That's my fave.

what do you guys think about the hori commander?

Turbo D

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Re: Why such a big price difference in PCE consoles?
« Reply #21 on: July 08, 2007, 10:08:54 PM »
cool, thanx for the review man. Whenever I play my buddy with my avenue 6 pads, he complains about them. I think he is just mad cuz I really beat his ass on sf2, lmao, so he blames the controller. I'm open to trying the other 6 button pads and joysticks, if I ever find any for sale that is, haha.


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Re: Why such a big price difference in PCE consoles?
« Reply #22 on: July 09, 2007, 12:57:35 AM »
what do you guys think about the hori commander?

the problem was, i always ripped against those turboswitches which where placed to near to the d-pad. especially when playing SFII'.
beside of that, a fabulous pad!!
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Re: Why such a big price difference in PCE consoles?
« Reply #23 on: July 10, 2007, 09:12:31 AM »
OK, I used to have an old TG-16 + CD-ROM system so I never did go all nuts over the Duo. What were these hardware problems the Duo was notorious for? Also, how does a PC-Engine + CD-ROM + Super System compare to a Duo quality-wise?
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Re: Why such a big price difference in PCE consoles?
« Reply #24 on: July 10, 2007, 10:12:45 AM »
I don't know why you guys are dissin' on the RX pad's d-pad because I thought it was better than the Avenue Pad 6's myself. Not the best d-pad (I think the Neo Geo Pocket's click stick is the ultimate for fighting games), but decent. Avenue Pad 6 looks really awesome, but I was pretty unimpressed with it when I finally got one.
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Joe Redifer

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Re: Why such a big price difference in PCE consoles?
« Reply #25 on: July 10, 2007, 12:27:26 PM »
'spenoza, The TG+CD-ROM will offer identical performance to the Duo from everything I have seen, that is if you have the proper System Cards.  The loading times are the same or at least seem to be.  Sometimes my TG-16 + CD will "forget" to load and just sit there during a game.  A very slight bump to the TG-16 will cause it to reseek (don't open the lid on the TG CD-ROM!).  Not sure if the Duo ever "forgets".  Many Duos have bad capacitors in the audio lines for sound produced by the CD player, and when those capacitors go bad, the CD audio dies.  The TG-16+CD does not do this because each unit was injected with an extra dose of "awesome" before leaving the plant.

Turbo D

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Re: Why such a big price difference in PCE consoles?
« Reply #26 on: July 10, 2007, 03:14:03 PM »
My turbo grafx cd takes 20 minutes to warm up before loading dracula x  and my duo's audio is blown out  :x


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Re: Why such a big price difference in PCE consoles?
« Reply #27 on: July 10, 2007, 03:43:01 PM »
'spenoza, The TG+CD-ROM will offer identical performance to the Duo from everything I have seen, that is if you have the proper System Cards.  The loading times are the same or at least seem to be.  Sometimes my TG-16 + CD will "forget" to load and just sit there during a game.  A very slight bump to the TG-16 will cause it to reseek (don't open the lid on the TG CD-ROM!).  Not sure if the Duo ever "forgets".  Many Duos have bad capacitors in the audio lines for sound produced by the CD player, and when those capacitors go bad, the CD audio dies.  The TG-16+CD does not do this because each unit was injected with an extra dose of "awesome" before leaving the plant.
We've been over the load time discussion a few times on this forum. The Duo models are slightly faster for loading because the laser assembly can move about quicker. Also, the Duo *can* "forget"...the one I had back in the day once completely froze up while loading the last boss fight in Riot Zone. But that was the only real problem I ever had with it...I didn't own it long enough for it to start developing sound problems. All Duos should get a laser replacement though. :)


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Re: Why such a big price difference in PCE consoles?
« Reply #28 on: July 10, 2007, 04:31:01 PM »
My turbo grafx cd takes 20 minutes to warm up

What, like an old Chrysler?

You have to start 'er up in the morning and let it idle in the driveway for 20 minutes before taking it for a spin (play a game)? That's pretty goofy if you ask me.


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Re: Why such a big price difference in PCE consoles?
« Reply #29 on: July 10, 2007, 05:28:47 PM »
Dream Stars have this on Ebay:
Expensive? Perhaps. Personally i would go all the way, and grab this baby instead:

This thread has explained the reason for the prices in duos.

Still to me a duo-r or rx is your best bet to get one that works.

Btw dreamstarsjapan is a top notch seller that's where i got my duo-r at.

The seller isn't cheap, but the service is great and you get what you pay for  8)

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