Author Topic: What games should I get?  (Read 3349 times)


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Re: What CD games should I get?
« Reply #30 on: July 10, 2007, 04:23:50 PM »
I reverse engineered Cadash to try to figure out why it controls so sloppily.  I had the noble intentions of making the game play better, but I would have to rewrite 30% of the code, so I said "to hell with that!"

I was going to reverse engineer a few more old games, but then I realized that if I'm going to be wasting time on someone else's game (as opposed to working on my own), I may as well just play those games and have some fun instead.

PS: Cadash is not a CD game, therefore you should get Shape Shifter instead (which is better anyways)

Uhm, since when did you start doing PCE game dev or PCE hacking? Or are you being sarcastic. Just curious...


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Re: What CD games should I get?
« Reply #31 on: July 10, 2007, 07:26:11 PM »
He's just trolling, mal, that's his job on these forums :D .
Quote from: Bonknuts
Adding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).


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Re: What CD games should I get?
« Reply #32 on: July 10, 2007, 10:37:44 PM »
I recently upgraded my Magic Engine to the latest version, and was finally able to play my old copy of Shape Shifter.  The funny thing is, the first thing I thought was, "controls aren't too bad".  The controls honestly felt fine to me.  I remember the controls being kind of bad when I had a duo, but when I played it recently it felt fine.  Maybe I'm just a far superior gamer these days 8).  Oh yeah, I'm new here. 


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Re: What CD games should I get?
« Reply #33 on: July 11, 2007, 03:30:31 AM »
Maybe I'm just a far superior gamer these days 8).  Oh yeah, I'm new here. 

Really? I thought the "Posts: 1" under your name was just a joke.

But yeah, Shape Shifter's controls aren't really as bad as "some" individuals make them out to be. There are other games on the Turbo that actually have severely flawed controls.


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Re: What CD games should I get?
« Reply #34 on: July 11, 2007, 04:15:10 AM »
I can't think of too many games that have terribly flawed controls. I know everyone harps on Camp California but fortunately, the only real problem with that game is Byron's sprite-to-background coldet routine. Some games are missing something or have strange glitches (Turrican comes to direction change when crouching, and you can lay mines while falling!) but I've yet to come across many games that are terribly flawed in the controls department.

And yes, Emerald Rocker is just being a turd, as usual. It's his job to be the most annoying f*ck on the forum.

Black Tiger: good controls don't equal a good game, but bad controls will ruin a game that otherwise has the potential to be good.


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Re: What CD games should I get?
« Reply #35 on: July 11, 2007, 04:58:39 AM »
Maybe I'm just a far superior gamer these days 8).  Oh yeah, I'm new here. 

Really? I thought the "Posts: 1" under your name was just a joke.

Thanks for the welcome I guess.


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Re: What CD games should I get?
« Reply #36 on: July 11, 2007, 05:43:29 AM »
If people have a problem with the controls in Shape Shifter, I have often recommend this:

Play Karateka on the Atari 7800, then go back to (game with supposed lousy controls).  If you ever complain about the controls in (game with supposed lousy controls) after that, then ring your call bell and Tommy will come by with a spade shovel and hit you in the teeth with it because you are a whiner.

Still not convinced.  Find yourself a copy of Impossible Mission and try that "dump truck racing at Monaco" gameplay feel.

Still convinced that you must have good controls to play a game, then that person must be a Prima Donna and one lousy gamer.  A gamer doesn't bitch about controls.  It's part of the game.  A gamer cowboys up, familiarizes themselves with controls (no mater how awful), adapts to the paramaters of the programming, formulates a strategy, and conquers.  Whether its Gran Tursimo 23, Madden 2125, or Prince of Persian Protectorate of the US.  That's what you do.


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Re: What CD games should I get?
« Reply #37 on: July 11, 2007, 07:28:06 AM »
offsidewing, stfu. If people want to complain about it, they're going to, and if people ARE complaining about it, there's obviously a reason. A shit coding job is a shit coding job no matter how well you want to wipe.

By the way...Impossible Mission had pretty good controls, at least the C64 version. It was just a rather hard game...and hard on its own merits, not hard because of a botched control scheme. Karateka wasn't terribly bad either, but it could have been a bit better.

I do have a recommendation for you though: go out and buy yourself a motorcycle. Now, hacksaw off one handlebar, flatten both tires, and insert a rock into the chain. Then, start that bitch up and try to ride it without killing yourself. Best of luck. If you can do that, I'll consider Shape Shifter a decently-programmed game.


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Re: What CD games should I get?
« Reply #38 on: July 11, 2007, 07:40:41 AM »
Yeesh, never knew nodtveidt had such strong feelings about Shape Shifter.  :?


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Re: What CD games should I get?
« Reply #39 on: July 11, 2007, 07:46:48 AM »
Yeesh, never knew nodtveidt had such strong feelings about Shape Shifter.  :?
I don't. I simply can't stand it when someone starts spewing pompous bullshit about things they don't understand, and I hate ALL fanboys. Furthermore, I'm never going to rationalize a poorly-crafted game with even poorer excuses or even insults towards other players as some are doing.


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Re: What CD games should I get?
« Reply #40 on: July 11, 2007, 07:59:20 AM »
Oh, I almost forgot...

No one here is telling anyone not to play the game, and I'm not insulting anyone who actually enjoys it. If you like the game, then fine, enjoy it. But when you start saying stupid shit like "if you can't play it then you're a sucky gamer", then you're talking shit, and it ain't cool bein' a jive turkey so close to Thanksgiving.


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Re: What CD games should I get?
« Reply #41 on: July 11, 2007, 08:15:50 AM »
Still convinced that you must have good controls to play a game, then that person must be a Prima Donna and one lousy gamer.  A gamer doesn't bitch about controls.  It's part of the game.  A gamer cowboys up, familiarizes themselves with controls (no mater how awful), adapts to the paramaters of the programming, formulates a strategy, and conquers.  Whether its Gran Tursimo 23, Madden 2125, or Prince of Persian Protectorate of the US.  That's what you do.

 What!? What a load of crap!  ("cowboy up" ? Please save it for your fellow country boys.)

 Is the game horrible, no. Will the games play controls put off your average gamer, more than likely. Does the game still have appeal despite the controls, sure but not for everyone. It strange that almost every time this game's controls are mentioned, someone (not pointing to anyone in patricular ) responds that other gamers are nothing more than cry babies and it's not the controls but the difficulty.

 Maybe some people are partial to sub par controls - I recommend trying Browning  :mrgreen:


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Re: What CD games should I get?
« Reply #42 on: July 11, 2007, 10:01:59 AM »
and Tommy will come by with a spade shovel and hit you in the teeth with it because you are a whiner.
"And Tommy will come by and hit you in the head with a sledge hammer because you are a retard", I assume this is the reference you are referring to :) .
Quote from: Bonknuts
Adding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).


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Re: What CD games should I get?
« Reply #43 on: July 11, 2007, 12:21:53 PM »
Can we please stop with the flaming each other? It's driving me crazy! [-X

Listen, we can bitch about games all we want. It's not going to change anything. I, being a veteran gamer, understand that there is a fine line between a tough game and a cheap game. Contra is a prime example, the classic games in the series are known for their pants-shitting difficulty, but it's not because the game threw all kinds of cheap shots at you just to piss you off (except for maybe the bulldozers in the tundra of the first game), it's because the game was well tuned. Heck, they even threw in the Konami code in some of them to let average-skilled gamers play. That's why it's a classic, because it's tough, not because the game was cheating, but because human beings often f*ck up. But if we fight about it, insult each other's gaming skills, and continue to be jerks to other posters, it's just going to make things hard on everyone.

Remember: It's not about the game being the best ever, it's about having fun.

I think I'll try Shape Shifter, if I like it, fine. If I don't, well, It's only thirty dollars.

I didn't mean to start this flame war, but I hope this finishes it.

OK, rant over.
He who dings the Gunhed must PAAAAY!!! -Ninja Spirit

Black Tiger

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Re: What CD games should I get?
« Reply #44 on: July 11, 2007, 02:57:23 PM »
Black Tiger: good controls don't equal a good game, but bad controls will ruin a game that otherwise has the potential to be good.

Its true that it can ruin a game that would've been good and its probably usually the case.

But I'm sure that there are games with shoddy interface that people still have fun with(even though it would've been even funner with fixed controls).

Shape Shifter is a good example. Even though some people don't like it for many reasons and some such as yourself find it to actually just be a bad game...  -we can also see that many people have had fun playing it and in the end thats all that matters to those who are able to enjoy it.

A quality game all round is worthless if its not enjoyable to a particular person.

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