My buddy GUTS recently purchased the PCE RPG Sol Moonarge. He'd been looking forward to this game for a while, and boasted about how he'd put his skills to good use and type up a walkthrough for the rest of us.
Unfortunately, his plans went awry when he got stuck.
Stuck... after just one dungeon.
Following such a humiliating experience, GUTS was thinking about giving up RPGs entirely. I told him not to throw in the towel just yet, that there's probably some little-kid game out there that he might stand a chance of getting through.
What do you guys recommend? I thought of the English version of Neutopia, but he already owns that one, and has already gotten stuck and given up on it.
Maybe that home-brew thing, Magical Song or whatever? Whenever someone posts screens of it on this forum, there's always some little girl standing next to the monitor. GUTS is probably at her level when it comes to RPGs, so maybe this would be a good game for him.
What do you guys think? And let's limit this to PCE games, none of that Final Fantasy Mystic Quest crap. GUTS might stink at RPGs, but he isn't enough of a doofus to want to play an SNES game.