You guys are crazy if you think the mazes in Ys II are tough / annoying / boring. I'm with Emerald Rocker on this one.
And I think that Darm Tower is pretty damn lame, to be honest. I thought that back in the day, and I still feel that way. It is very repetitive and tedious... and it is a significant chunk of Ys I!!! At least with Ys II, you felt that there were a bunch of big places to explore.
Don't get me wrong: I love Ys I (I've played SMS and TG-CD versions a zillion times)! But if you're going to fault Ys II without faulting Darm Larm Pooparm Tower, well, I think you're wonky.
Yeah, I'm exaggerating slightly to make my point (and for drama), but you get the idea