Problem with DUO-R CD READING~!
I've just recently recieved a duo-r, It was packed really well , but Unfortunately the cd's do not work? I think the motor may be damaged? I tried every cd, the motor makes some weird noises, I never owned a duo-r so I wouldnt know if its normal. Either way, it still asks me to Please set disc, even after the disc had been inserted...
So my friend (he knows systems/electronics) opened up the duo-r and found that the capacitators near the lens had been bent, meaning the laser was tampered with before hand with a screw driver (nothing big), and that the cd drive spins really fast so that the cd inserted will not catch, Im not really sure how this works, it Doesnt seem like the drive motors, or the laser are damaged? I just dont know why its not spinning the cd. If i put a normal music cd, the cd itself seems to be really heavy, so it doesnt spin at all either. Im not sure if there is a piece or part missing from this duo-r? but the problem as I see is that the drive just cant spin the cd at all because it spins too fast. Please let me know if any of you guys know of this problem or can help at all. I'll just be waiting for an email reply from the retrogames guyz.
I really need to get a working duo-r~!