Oh, screw the wacky PC Engine version. You said "Wonder Boy in Monster Land" so naturally that made me think of the SMS version. Isn't the PC Engine version called something totally 100% lame like Bukkake Man or something?
It probably didn't help that I mentioned the SMS version in my original message.
The PCE version has a goofy name that I tend to ignore. But it's the same game although I'll be damned if they didn't ramp up the difficulty. If it was actually called Bukkake Man that would be totally awesome.
And yeah, I know about the Thunder Flash. The trouble is, you can't select what items you use. You have to use them in reverse order that you pick them up. And I had like 80 bombs and twisters I had to use before I got to the Thunders. Next time I'll try to collect only Thunders or something I guess.
I am confused. This thread is for the game Dragon's Curse right?
EDIT: Crap this must be for that other Wonderboy game! GOD DAMN YOU WONDERBOY FOR HAVING SUCH CONFUSING SEQUEL NAMES!
Dragon's Curse is the 4th Wonderboy game, sometimes known as Monster World II or The Dragon's Trap. Or Adventure Island, even. Not to be confused with New Adventure Island.
And no, that's not the game I'm referring to here. I was beginning to wonder what you were talking about when you mentioned boomerangs since those didn't show up until later in the series. I'm talking about the the second Wonderboy game, Wonderboy in Monster Land. Or Monster World I or Bukkake Man. Take your pick.