Missing a manual for a U.S. Bonk 3. Name your price! pm me.
Update: Okay, so evidently it's too hard to find one now a days, so who on this forum can provide a high quality reproduction /scans at this point?
When I mean scan, I am asking if you can (hopefully and carefully remove the staples and scan each page nice and straight so the rest of us can print double-sided, cut, piece together, staple, and fold ourselves a new manual
Hell, if you can do it yourself and make it look like the real thing, I would be more than glad to pay for one. Im SO done looking for it.
BTW if someone can do the same with an Air Zonk manual, I will gladly pay as well. Come on guys share, it's a no brainer to do this, mass make some and sell them here or Ebay! What are you waiting for?... =(