The Turbo List was something I was subscribed to, but I never participated in. It gave me some news, but during that time TZD was still around so I spent most of my time with their catalog and flyers, and whatever I could find in certain back issues of GamePro, Game Players, and similar magazines. I still have an old, "Tips and Tricks" magazine that featured a section with Turbo Grafx/Duo cheats, and this was a while after TTI took things over, I want to say that issue was from 1995, or late 1994, since it covered Jaguar, also. I'll have to dig that magazine out, sometime.
Turbo Grafx was at that time a system few people I knew of had. When one neighborhood guy I knew moved away, i was then the only person i knew with one. I took a break from the Turbo Grafx from about 2000-2004 or so. Had it all boxed up, put away, didn't play it, then I got an itch for it again. During that time I was already aware of PCENGINEFX forums, and that was about when I started, I guess one could say, "Participating" more with people that owned these systems.
I did peruse the, "Turbo List Archives" though. I am thinking I probably unsubscribed in 2000 or so.