OK!! Breakthrough time!
Here's my situation:
I have 3 TG-CD units. Of these, one has a broken gear, and the other two work, but only intermittently.
I finally got off my ass and looked inside my two "working" units and noticed something quite interesting...
No broken gears! Everything looked fine!
Confused, I decided to follow Nat's original suggestion and lubricate the three drive gears and the leadscrew (the long, gold-colored, threaded rod which moves the laser assembly). But what to lube it with?
I mean, I learned my lesson with the red mystery grease....I think that's what broke my gear in the first place! Or at least, it made the plastic brittle enough to break all the teeth off.
And I would feel moderately confident with vegetable oil, but I wanted to be sure. I can get a new engine kit, no problem...but TG-CD players are a little harder to come by!
I ended up going with a graphite spray lubricant from Home Depot. It was called "TDL" for "The Dry Lubricant"...supposedly safe for plastics. If you've never seen it, it sprays on wet, and dries into a very slick grey powder.
I sprayed down the moving parts in both units, and hand turned them to both extremes of travel, to really work it in.
And now, they both work perfectly!
God damn! Nat was right again!!
In any case, I no longer believe the plastic in the gear is to blame. But also, since getting measurements of my broken gear requires harvesting another unit, I'm not going to bother unless someone has a "for parts only" TG-CD they want to give me or sell for a low enough price.
But yeah, two working TG-CD's! All's right with the world!