no, nintendo is never going to have hard drive. ever, ever. they are so ridiculously stubborn when it comes to everything, and cost effectiveness being pretty high up there on the list. they yanked the disk system after it lead to easy copying. they never put out a cd player for about 100 stupid reasons, and were dragged into the optical disk format only after they realized they would be out of business if they didnt. and the game boy took 13 years to get a freaking real light!! fair weather fans of the big N keep touting how innovative they have become. it might be true in part with the wii sensors, etc. but now that they are cranking out money, dont expect to see anything that halts that money. even if VC piracy was zero the production costs alone would keep them from it. and of course it would be cracked in about 3 days and then its a VC free for all!
anyone who thinks a hard drive is in the works is dreaming!! period! nintendo's track history will tell you they like to do it their own way, even if everyone else thinks its stupid, they don't care. now that they are cruising in the #1 spot in many countries expect it to get worse! at least when they were getting whooped on by sony, they had to concede to somethings just to stay in the game.
but with things like hard to use friend codes, transferring from SD and back, garbage VC games (though not all) constant delays and official statements saying that most of our favorite series wont see new games for a while, if ever, just add proof to nintendo's rekindled blind arrogance. of course i think they have had it all along but when the playstation brand dominates everything its hard to notice.
nintendo has us all by the balls and they know it. they make awesome games like mario and metroid that we have to have, so we buy their system and then get caught up in all their BS of 2 year delays and stern lectures about why they choose certain formats or why certain games never have sequels or why games announced for N64 are still not here and on and on. i was glad when sony nearly put them under. if they had made the PSP in 1999 they could have buried the gameboy too. i was hoping that being trapped in last place would have woke them up, i think it did, but only by half.
now i have a wii and i think nintendo will still put out solid games for it, but their god awful chip on their shoulder sometimes makes me want to chuck it in the garbage. because they sit on a mountain of great games and ideas they could put out, we buy into it hoping that they do and they never end up doing it
it would be great to see 3 mario galaxies 3 zeldas and a couple other series revived along with a ton of cool peripherals and every game has an online mode where you can game on with anyone you want and they translate VC games.
instead brace yourself for nintendogs 5 brain age 11 and mario party 24, and no hard drive