I do enjoy how a lot of Turbo fans discount anything that isn't built in to the system as "unnecessary". If the Turbo can't do it, it doesn't matter. That's always been the attitude.
There's still a big difference between "unnecessary" and "essential". I agree that its amusing how particular 'console fans' are quick to discount what they percieve as competition. Like how some crazed Genesis fans discount high color graphics in SNES games and how Snerds believe that the SNES is untouchable in
every way.
But just look at this thread. Parallax is obviously a huge issue that many of you have opinions about. If it wasn't much of an issue, I don't think there would really be much of a debate
Although its true that some people are insisting that the Turbo can do "anything!", I think that what got most people riled up was OldTurboBastard taking the opposite extreme from the get go, discounting
any kind of parallax on the Turbo as an anomaly and every flat games as proof of "weakness".
A couple of you like Turbo D would rather murder your own mother than play (much less enjoy) a Genesis game. Fanboyism runs strong here indeed.
At least no one is trashing Sega as a (evil!)company.

I generally prefer the Genesis simply because there are more games available in the style that I want to play, but I'd be a fool to say something like the fact that it can't properly do scaling and rotation doesn't matter. Lots of games like Super Thunder Blade, Space Harrier 2 and many others look like crap without it. Sure, it can do some great scaling and rotation in the software, but I won't kid myself. The Genesis is weak in this area. But you won't see me on Sega-16 moaning at how scaling doesn't add anything and doesn't make or break a game.
True, but the SNES having scaling & rotation built-in doesn't discount the Genesis altogether, or at the very least SNES games don't make Genesis games feel weak.
While there is some truth to that, eye candy counts for a lot and can indeed make games more enjoyable. If you're 100% about the art and not about things that move like parallax and scaling/rotation, then why would you even play games? Just pause it and stare at the still screen. Yes, good art definitely helps, but it's not the only thing. A game needs to move well. Adding depth via parallax helps achieve cool visuals.
I don't think that anyone's
really 100% about anything when it comes to enjoying games, it just sounds like it when they take a stance on a game issue. Me, I like flicker transparencies and although I appreciate technical feats like scaling in games, sprites flying towards the screen through animation is still impressive.

One thing you have to keep in mind Joe, while you have personal preferences, you're much less biased than the average video game forum poster.