Ha! I'm much more concerned about character design (sprite design) and the graphics used for the stage/background when it comes to aesthetics.
All this attention lavished upon parallax scrolling is too much!
Don't get me wrong: I love parallax, but I find myself disappointed with the artistic vision of a game much more often than I lament the "lack of parallax" (or similar technicality). In fact, I think I can flip this discussion around and argue that parallax was a LAZY SHORTCUT to add superficial eye candy to most games, whereas it would have been much more exciting (and impressive) to see bold, daring artistic vision.
Or, if it is too much to ask for pioneering art design, we deserved to have more inspired and creative art directors for video games! Then, at least, we would have seen more variety in our games instead of the same rehashed, generic stuff ad nauseam.
For example, let's take JJ & Jeff:
1. I always felt the game looked flat, the backgrounds and stage design is anemic and sparse. Adding parallax would have been a "quick-n-easy" way to make the game more appealing, visually, IMO.
2. But, actually, I would happily forgo parallax in JJ & Jeff if the artistic designer had had a more creative / inspired vision for the game.
3. I like JJ & Jeff. I guess I lust for a sequel to the game. And don't forget to give me some more eye candy, if only for some cheap thrills!