But regardless, I don't understand how you can point out how impressive Lords of Thunder is for layered graphics in one sentence and in the next sentence say that Altered Beast and Strider prove that the PC Engine can't do them.
Then why did'nt they port over parrallax in those games? Probably because the system can't handle having to emulate true parallax while providing the rest of the game action. It works well in LOT and other turbo original games bacause because they could program around the limitation using fairly simple second layers, which often morph back into one layer when the system could not pull off the mirage any more.
...if they could've they would've is all i'm saying. And yes maybe "they couldve if they used nifty programming and this and that" but the fact is they did'nt because it was not easy for the turbo to pull off
Because not every game is developed by the same team.
Pretty much all the parallax in the Genesis Altered Beast is very easy to pull of on the Turbo. It'd just be 'slate' scrolling that even the
with a few extra sprites to poke out over the layers in spots. Its nothing that puts the Genesis's layering abilities to good use.
Here is the Genesis Altered Beast parallax on NES-
It has nothing to do with ease or difficulty for the Turbo, only competency and/or laziness of developers.
It'd take some nifty tricks to do some of
Strider's bgs on the Turbo, but its not hard to figure out how at least some of it could be done. But its obvious that the PCE port of Strider was very poor and that the developer couldn't handle programming in some of the most basic things, like scrolling a screen across a flat background, let alone attempt to do layers of any kind.
I'd also like to add that the Genesis is clear and sharp in RGB,S-video,and component,not blurry or fuzzy.
Yeah, but who in North America was playing their Genesis in RGB and S-Video in 1989? And would those who did really say that Genesis games had smoother edges and more detailed sprites when they could make out all the jaggies and pixels?