Can you name a single game on the Genesis that could not be done on the Engine?
I can!
Try this:
Or this:
And even this:
I don't remember anything too spectacular in Earthworm Jim 2, so I think the PC Engine could pull it off (it's been about 84 years since I played it and I don't see anything amazing on the youtube vids). I'll give you Sonic, and I don't know if a good port of Gynoug could be done and I don't care. That background looks like shit, though maybe it looks better on a real system.

I didn't mean to imply that the PCE can do everything that the Genesis can, though my post certainly sounded like I did. If I were capable of forming consistently coherent posts, I would have asserted that
most Genny games could be done on the PCE with only minor variation and visa versa, most PCE games could be competently done on the Genesis. The two systems are pretty close graphics wise (in my opinion, of course), so I have a problem with O.T.B.'s blanket statement that the Turbo's graphics are 'not up to snuff'. It's just as fanboyish as saying that the Genesis graphics suck when compared to the Engine just because the PCE can produce more colors. Sure, it'd be nice if the Engine had a second background layer, but quite a few games have nice parallax despite this limitation.
Now here's a fun poll:
What do you think would've benefitted more? The Turbo Grafx 16 having an extra background layer or the Genesis having palette capabilities as the TG16
? We sorta already have a TG16 with an extra background layer thanks to the Super Grafx, but I'd like to hear comments regarding this
Interesting question, Keranu. Original Genesis games are often nicely colored, since the developers didn't have to try and match colors to something else. A better palette wouldn't really matter in some of my favorite Genny games, but would certainly help out some dully colored ports. On the other hand, the Turbo getting the extra background layer would be great (hardware scaling and rotation would be even better). Some games did a good job of faking the backgrounds, so not much would be gained in some cases. I don't know which would really make a bigger impact, so I'll flip a coin. It came up heads, so I'm voting for the Turbo gaining a second background plane.