I recently discovered this awesome website where you can send in NES cartridges to the webmaster and he will put on a game unreleased in America of your choice! For example, you can get copies of translated Japanese games like the original versions of Final Fantasy 2 and 3. You can also get american prototypes, even hacks!
Here's the site:
http://www.nesreproductions.com/Apparently, what this guy does is take out the old rom chip of the game you send in, solder in a new one with your game, adds batteries and new components when necessary, attaches a new label for the game on the cartridge (you heard me right), and sends it back (all for a price, of course).
At this point, you're probably wondering: What does this have to do with the PC Engine?
Well, today I was looking at ebay for a Hucard game I was interested in getting after I buy one of D-Lite's Duo-Rs with the S-Video and Region mods and I was thinking, "Too bad it's in Japanese, I wish I could have the translation right on the Hucard; that guy at nesreproductions.com can do that with a NES cartridge."
It was about then that I had the epiphany. I thought, "Why can't I?"
Now that all of that backstory is out of the way, I pose the question:
Is it possible to replace the rom chip of a Japanese Hucard with a chip of the same game after it's been patched with a translation hack, and have it work on an actual PC Engine?