well whoever owns what, the bottom line is that for those owners to put it on VC would get them money for almost no work whatsoever, anyone who doesnt see the point in that, even on a small return, is an idiot. if i owned 15 year old game rights and they were collecting dust, then suddenly someone says, let me use this you can make money, by gum id make the money.
the x-factor is how much of that money does it cost to house on the servers and how much does big N keep? it really wouldnt surprize me if big N in its old fashioned 1980s NES arrogancy put the cost of all that on the owner of the games. but like they would ever release such figures
and when, if ever big N will ease up on the 3 games a week rule? leaving only 150 or so games a year seems like a lot but spread out over 8 systems, it could take forever to see the one special game we want,. especially considering all the imports, they will never truly run out of games.
im happy that on this forum though , there can be logical discussions about VC's future, and not coming here every monday to endless posts of wheres earthbound? etc, X 1000