So I bought a used Duo from Ebay that said it had the laser replaced and the pre and post amps added to crisp up and perfect the sound.. but so far I'm not convinced. The first time I turned on the CD there was a ton of background noise and lots of louder static sounds and stuff - I thought I had got ripped off for sure. I have had the system over night and when I put the CD back on this morning all of that seemed to have gone away.. so maybe the machine just needed some warming up?
Secondly, as far HuCards, I kind of have this feeling that for some reason the audio is a lot more quiet than it is on my regular TG16.. and it even seems quieter than the CD output. Is that possible?
Also.. I can't seem to save a game. Am I going mad? Do I need to have a HuCard ROM/RAM/whatever in the slot in order to save? Or is it that this system is a dud?
Please, give me your advice. The seller wants me to ship the Duo back and he'll fix it up etc, free of charge to me.
I'm kind of thinking I'd just like to return it altogether.. but I really do want a Duo, and this was a good price (and I'm not a rich guy who can afford a $300 boxed one on Ebay). I don't want to get stuck with a machine that isn't going to work well.
Any advice from you guys? Things to look for, ways to test this machine? Your experience? Put my fears to rest ..